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For you have reached a tipping point.

One the one side...

Burning up the enemies camp.

On the other side...

Watering the barren place to bring forth the the harvest.

A turning point.

The place of the turning. The place of the turning towards. The place for your turn.

From the dust shall come the seed.

For the fertiliser shall come before the seed hits the soil. The bee coming to fertilise the flower, but lands upon the seed and immediately brings forth the fruit.

An acceleration beyond all you anticipate.

Let’s skip some steps.

Let’s leap frog what is normal.

The plowman shall overtake the reaper.

The earth breaking open as the breath flows, making room for growth.


It was all so orchestrated!

That is the word!

A giant crescendo!

Like a wave it rises.

For the seas and the waves respond to the sound.

For the very waves resonate with my voice.

For there shall be movement at the sound of my voice.

The parting of the waters.

The streams in the desert.

The movement in the flow.

There is movement in the flow.

An unexpected impact.

An unusual moment of great momentum!

An uprising of my spirit.

Not a small thing.

A giant ripple.

Like a giant bird landing upon the calm waters.

Yet I am unfurling your wings.

Not a flimsy thing. A vehicle of strength. A creature of great strength.

The strong wings of a mighty angel.

You can see the waters move as you move.

You can see the spray of the water as you flap your wings.

The dawn of a new thing.

For I am shining my glory on this thing.

A beautiful thing.

A glorious thing.

A glorious movement.

An unusual light.

An unexpected contrast.

The rain falling upon the dark barren ground.

Illuminated by the light of my glory.

A shift.

A point to be made.

The rain falling in the place of the drought.

For the rain is here.

For the rain is here.

For the time of your dominion is here.

A shocking experience.

A lightning moment.

A power of great power.

A movement of great momentum.

For I am opening this door.

I have given you the access to the side of light. The insight of light. Breaking into the territory of the light. Illuminated by my light.

A whole new territory.

A pulling up. Not an uprooting but an acceleration of growth. For I am pulling forth growth. What would usually be at a certain height, shall now be so much taller. So much higher.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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