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On Track

On Track

A new track.

Establishing a new way.

Making a way.

Line by line.

A new line.

A new station.

For this train shall leave the station.

Line by line.

Draw the path.

Draw the path and I will establish it.

A new path.

Line by line.

Track by track.

First the paving.

More than you expect.

The unexpected.

Everything so much bigger than you expect.

Bigger rocks.

Much bigger rocks.

A wider path than you expect.

For this is not a path for walking.

This path shall take a higher capacity.

Much great capacity than you expect.

A new place for the opening and the closing.

For what I have created shall become a place for the opening and the closing.

A new way of opening and closing.

Stand clear doors are closing.

A new place of arrival.

A new place to welcome arrivals.

A place of the stopping to open.

Stop to open.

Come to a stop in order to open.

No need to send an invitation for they shall soon know that’s time of the arrival and the time of departure.

A new way of coming and going.

A new coming and a new going.

For I have established the place of the coming and the going.

Tracks for all terrains.

Tracks over the deep waters.

Tracks banged with great power into the hardest soil.

Designed to carry a great weight.

Open to all who wish to travel.

Many paths forward but no need to drive, no need to navigate.

There is something very special about this caboose.

A new carriage in the place of the miscarriage.

A brand new carriage.

The best container.

The place of great containment.

A new means of transportation.

A new way to travel.

Plenty of room for more.

Designed to carry more and more.

Brand new.

Freshly manufactured.

Manufactured for freshness.

Cleaned with precision.

Brand new.

Polished to perfection.

Brightly shining like the sun.

Dazzling in brilliance.

Dazzling with my brilliance.

For those that step into it will be dazzled with my brilliance.

Blown away.

An unexpected thing.

Entering in they shall receive more than they expected.

A new pathway.

A new path.

A path designed to carry much.

To carry more than you expect.

A big splash.

For I do not measure the circumference of the impact.

When it falls I know the extent it shall reach.

Such heavy rain.

The weight of abundant rain.

The heaviness shall fall.

Such a great impact.

An unexpected impact.

A large crater shall provide evidence of the fall.

For all shall know the place of the falling.

An everlasting monument for my glory.

For you shall place your hands upon it.

You shall feel the weight of the impact.

You shall feel the heaviness of the fall.

You shall feel the heaviness fall.

A great outpouring like you have never seen of or heard of before.

The breaking of the ground.

The breaking of the ground.

The uplift.

The downpour unexpected.

The unexpected downpour.

The pouring down.

The impact that creates a waterfall.

Pause and think calmly upon that.

The impact that creates a waterfall.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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