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On Time

It’s in the wind.

The gentle breeze.

The cool breeze on a warm day.

The sun beaming in, its golden hour.

Feel the coolness upon your warm skin.

Does it not bring a smile to your face?

The cool contrasting with the warmth of the sun.

Is this not a subtle point of contrast?

The one coming against the other.

The one refreshing another.

For in the heat you crave a cool change.

In the snow and ice you look for the fire.

When you are on the brink, when you are on the edge, when the tension rises, when you are beyond the limit, when you cannot take anymore, after the due date.

What if I take my time?

Is it not my time to take?

What if I show up late?

What if I show up as you are closing the doors?

What if I choose to enter without using the door?

What if I choose that which is derelict, condemned, worn out, dead and dry?

For you remember now what I showed you…

Yes Lord, walking through the forest full of dead trees, touching them with my hand and instantly they came back to life.

You think of the natural cycle, seed growing in the fertile soil, the rain coming to water it, the sun shining to bring forth my warmth, and after a long time, the seed bursting forth, and then after a much longer time the forest forming, and then the drought coming causing all that grew to die and whither and become lifeless.

Yet this is how it shall be from now on, place your hand on that which is dead, and watch me bring it to life.

Place your hand on that which was lost, and see it found.

You think that I am somehow out of time, that if something is dead it cannot be restored, it cannot come back unto fullness.

Yet was it not Aaron’s dead rod that blossomed in my presence?

You look for the natural order, but shall find the unnatural order.

For look again and tell me what you see?

My hand on the dead wheat, the lifeless grains, long dead and far from life. As I touched it the intricate parts, the intimate parts came back to life. The flow of life was restored unto it, and it leapt back to fullness.

Do you really think, that which I have stored up for you will be a normal thing, a natural thing?

You see so many unfinished parts, I see the gaps as unique gaps in the edge of a key.

For a time of unlocking is coming, where all that I have planned will be revealed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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