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On the Edge

On the edge.

On the edge of fullness.

On the edge of glory.

On the edge of massive growth.

On the edge of full restoration.

On the edge of your capacity.

Wrung out like a sponge.

Unable to take anymore.

Over full.

Expressing my fullness.

Step into my fullness.

Step with my fullness.

Be in step with my fullness.

Pour out my fullness.

Break out into fullness.

For you shall live with my fullness.

For you will live amongst them.

For you will bring life to them.

For you shall show them how to live.

For the ground reflects the atmosphere.

You feel like you are in the morass but it is merely the reflection of the clouds above, a reflection of the rain that is to come.

Yet the atmosphere reflect the terrain that is beneath.

For in the high place.

For in the elevated place.

For in the mountainous place.

For the high place brings forth the rain.

For my rain flows upon the high place.

For my rain flows from the high place I to the valley of fullness below.

For the high place is the edge of fullness.

Some places are designed to contain my oceans of fullness.

Some places are designed to absorb my fullness.

For in the place of absorption there shall be growth, growth upon growth.

For in the place of the raging torrent.

For the purpose of the raging torrent is to pour forth that which irrigates.

I say unto it “TURN IT UP! Let’s turn it up a notch”

For I intend to bring forth abundance in this place.

Full restoration.

The dead place coming to life.

In the broken place there shall be an abundance of fullness.

For you were always destined to be a fountain.

For what I have given you SHALL FLOW in this land.

For it drips from your fingers.

For it pours from the depths within.

For you shall see it pouring from your hand like a stream it shall flow across the whole land.


I am removing the scales from your eyes.

And you shall see like you have never seen before.

And you shall see what you have never seen before.

Here is a glimpse.

And you took me on a new street, paved with new materials, unusual colours, everything brand new. Such a feeling of solidarity, of solidness of strength, streets paved with strength, unbreakable strength.

Can you not see you are entering into a time of great strength, great security, for I am placing you on solid ground?

For you can be assured that I am with you.

For from my assurance you shall bring full assurance to those who are lost, to those who are fearful, for those can hold on to despair.

Can you not feel a bursting forth?

Yes Lord I could see a pushing back, a pushing forward, an opening of a door that had previously been locked. A mighty door that you have unlocked for us.

And you shall not be stopped.

And you shall have the breakthrough.

And you shall inhabit the high place.

And you shall rise above that which overwhelms this land.

And you shall overcome.

And you shall occupy.

And you shall manifest my fullness.

And you shall declare victory in this place.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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