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On Side

In the whirlwind

In the turmoil.

In the storm.

In the chaos.

In the turbulence.

In the place of the crashing wave.

In the midst of the storm.

In the place of the topsy turvy.

In the unsettled place.

In the place of agitation.

In the place of the rocking.

In the place of movement.

In the place of side to side.

In the place of offside.

In the place of the going to the other side.

In the place of the destination.

In sight of the destination.

In the habitation of destiny.

In the moment of your arrival.

In the time of your arrival.

In anticipation of your arrival.

The turbulence is a sign of the applause from your enemy.

The agitation is a sign of the anticipation of your enemy.

The tremors from his trembling knees.

For I have sent you here.

For I have sent you here.

For I have sent you here.

For it was my doing.

For I led you out, and I will bring you in.

For this was no coincidence, but an incidence.

No coincidence but an incidence.

A drop of heaven.

A falling from the essence of heaven.

An envoy from heaven.

A message from heaven.

A delivery from heaven.

A package from heaven.

For it is my gift to you.

A gentle expression of my goodness falling upon you.

Sent from one side to another side.

Sent from me to you.

For you shall bring peace to this land.

You see it now don’t you?

A close up of a drop of water falling on the dry parched tongue.

For this is my anointing upon your tongue.

No second guesses.

For you shall speak with my authority.

You shall declare the works of my hand.

For the boat sinks for it receives the uncertainty that surrounds it.

In the fullness of uncertainty there is a falling down, a sinking feeling.

Yet you step upon the ground of my word.

For the ground I have given you is rock solid.

For you shall speak my words, and walk upon them.

For in your response to my word, you shall come, you have come, you will arrive, you will set your feet upon.

For you have departed from one side.

You have left that side of yourself.

You have departed from what was.

You have left behind that which was.

For that which has departed has departed from you.

For I have sent you here.

For I have sent you here.

For I have sent for you.

For it was by my command that you are here, that you are the one to arrive, the one they have been longing for.

It is the strangest thing to me that we came in our frail, fragile state, and just expressed ourselves.

And what was the response?

I expected judgement or problem solving or “that’s too intense for me” reactions.

But what was the response?

You carry great anointing and speak with such authority! What the heck!

Did I not say I shall not be unto you as I was before?

For you have seen me walking in the garden, but now you will see me walking upon the water.

For I am making a way where there was no way.

My means of transport is not natural.

The outcome you seek, is beyond your reach, is beyond your strength, is beyond your capacity.

Yet the outcome you speak is the outcome that will come to pass.

For when you speak my words, I will perform it, I am responsible for performing it.

Declare it, speak it, describe it, manifest it and it shall become manifest.

It is beyond me to understand how you will deliver what you are birthing within me.

I know what you are thinking, here let me help you with the words.

Just like it was with Noah, so it shall be with you.

You build it, and I will keep it an afloat.

Yet Lord I feel it is so incomplete, a boat full of holes.

Yet did I not say leave the whole thing to me, leave the wholeness thing to me.

>Yet I wonder if I present something incomplete, they will not buy it, or seek to fix a couple of holes and then want a share of the boat.

Yet does the midwife become the mother if they assist in the birth?

No Lord they merely assist with the transition from the womb to the world. Yet they get paid for that service?

Shall I bring you to the point of birth and then not bring forth the midwives to assist with the multiplication?

I am so terrified of the huge nursery you have shown me, with the thousands of babies all crying at once.

And yet what did I say about that?

Just be a father to them!

I was so cracking up that the barren one, spoke so much about how you would be a father and mother to so many, and your children would flock to you.

For you could see it as he spoke it, for you could only agree with it as you had already seen it.

For I will give you the gift of progress in this time.

You will break through the agitation like a jet breaking the sound barrier.

Press on, push forwards and break into the calm that awaits you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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