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On Purpose


Speak Lord for your servant heareth.

On purpose, for purpose, aligned with purpose.

What is my purpose? What is the starting point?

Let’s start with a question – “Can I come?”

For that is a great question to ask.

For it shows a desire to be part of what I am doing.

For my hand of invitation is always extended.

Consider yourself invited.

Yet your question, aligns your intent with mine.

For I want you to be part of my purpose.

For you are not excluded.

This is not an exclusive club in the way that you would define it.

Yet I have made a place for you.

I have reserved a place for you.

My desire is for you to take up your position.

“Here take a seat”, I say unto you.

Do you know that I have created a position for you?

Do you know that I have created you for position?

Consider your posture, consider your position, consider not your circumstance.

For that which is material to you is immaterial to me, that which is immaterial to you matters to me.

For the eyes of your heart shall be enlightened.

Repeat after me “open the eyes of my heart Lord”

For you shall know what I have hidden from others.

For you shall “Lord it over them” yes that is right place the Lord over them. Position me above them. Take up the position I has set aside for you.

Forget the former things, for am I doing a new thing.

Do you see yourself as a new thing?

For the new shall transform the old.

The new possesses that which the old lacks.

Embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For that which you cannot grasp holds your hand.

For my ways are so much higher than your ways.

Ask me for more.

No seriously, ask me for more!

Ask as presenting ALL that I am!

Present me.

Invite me to come.

Say unto me “can I come?”

Say unto me can I come, and I will come!

Consider that I am already with you.

Consider that I have come, am coming, and am here with you right now.

Act like I am present.

Offer me as a present.

Take me for granted. Consider that I will do all that I have promised.

Don’t ask me for a small thing, ask me for a big thing.

Don’t stand there with your thimble asking for a drop, ask me to be drenched, ask me for overflow, ask me for an outpouring, ask me for the stream in the desert, ask me for the lush green pasture, ask me for transformation, as me for the thing that you consider impossible.

Allow me to attend to your way.

Don’t say “off course”, say “of course”.

Don’t rely on your deeds, say “indeed”. Assertively declare “indeed”, agree with me with all posture and intent.

For you shall walk the path of expansion.

Pace it out, walk it out, mark out your territory. Possess all that I am giving you.

For you shall dwell in the place of the most high.

For I am giving you this territory, don’t look for the portion, for what I have for you is out of all proportion, beyond your wildest imagination.

You come to me so circumspectly, talking often of circumstance, with hesitation, with extreme caution, asking me for so little.

You remember it so of your children when they were young, you would encourage them to ask you for whatever they desired. They would ruminate, contemplate, and then ask for something that was so big for them. You remember the look upon their faces. You could tell that they thought this was such a big request. But you would just burst out in laughter in response. There they would look at you with such frustration, and try not to be upset with you. But you would hold your position and encourage them to ask for more. Back and forth you would go, and often in the end you would take their offer and then double what they asked for and give it to them. You would see the joy upon their face and yet be left with the feeling that you would have given them so much more.

This is how it is with you.

Seriously ask me for more!

Just like your children even now, you try and figure out how you will handle all that I want to give you, you want to make it easy for me, and for yourself to comprehend.

Well I say, just prepare to have your mind blown!

Is there anything too hard for me?

Do you really think I am going to give you something you can’t handle?

I know what you want to say, but let me interrupt you.

Is not my point, that you and I will handle this together.

In your lack, my overflow is present.

You seek to contain, to define, and confine.

I seek to release, to illuminate, to break free to extend the boundary to the horizon.

You know what I mean, you know what happens when you walk towards the horizon?

You never reach the boundary of the horizon, for it extends as each step is taken.

As you extend your reach, I extend your authority.

As you stand and stretch, you will find it on the top shelf.

For you shall possess that which is above you.

A step above, a step ahead, at the forefront, a pioneer, a forerunner, a leader, a commander, one who has my authority.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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