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On Point

A sharpening point.

A refining point.

A defining point.

An impacting point.

Not a pointless point.

For where you point your finger, that is where we are going.

You define the destination and I’ll back you up, I’ll provide the means of transport.

In the place of the new pattern, you define the pattern.

New points of connection.

New ways of connection.

New paths of connection.

Interconnecting points.

A new web.

A new paradigm.

A paradigm shift.

For you shall shift their paradigm.

New building blocks.

New shapes.

New patterns.

New behaviours.

New clarity.

Fresh clarity.

A wiping away of the dirt.

A clearing.

A clearing of the slate.

A reforming, a reformation, a new formation, a new form, a new shape, a new thing, the manifestation of the thing.

An offspring of all that has gone before.

A way forward?

For I have crafted a way.

I have prepared the way.

For in the coming and the going, you shall have traction.

Movement in the place that was slippery.

A solid path, a crafted path, an established path.

A golden path, a reflective path, a path of light, a platform of lightness, a path of illumination.

Beckon them to come forward.

Open the way for them to shine.

Is this not the path of the promise, the promised path, the way, the truth and the life?

You now find yourself upon the edge, upon the pinnacle, upon the point of no return, upon the point of your rising, at the place of the uprising, upon the brink.

At the edge of what was, and at the entry of what is to come.

The place of elevation.

The place of the rising.

The place where you shall enter in.

The place where you shall lead them in.

The place of the crossing over.

A rubicon moment.

A defining moment.

The possession of that which you possess.

The moment of truth.

The revelation of truth.

A defining moment.

A prophetic declaration of truth.

The restoration of all that is true about you.

A moment of truth.

For you shall speak the truth about yourself.

You shall echo the words of your beloved.

For she speaks the words I have commanded her to say.

She speaks words of restoration, worlds of restoration, words that define a bright future.

Turn up the light.

Be the beacon on the hill that one spoke about you.

For the light reveals that which sits in darkness.

The light brings definition to the darkness, contrast to the darkness.

Yet the light is not defined by the darkness, the light shines in the darkness and is not overcome by it.

In the hottest place, in the fiery place, I stood out, I brought definition to it, they saw me walking with you in the fire.

For I am with you in the defining place, in the melting pot, in the pot of refinement, in the pot of promotion.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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