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On Point!

I could go on and on about it!

You take the small thing and magnify it. Go ahead write this word in CAPS.


ON and ON, ON and ON, ON and ON, ON and ON.

Going ON.

Coming ON.

Come ON.

Step ON it!

Step ON.

Go ON.

Be ON.

Stand ON.

Climb ON.

Stay ON course!

ON and ON, ON and ON, hope you don’t mind me going ON and ON about ON!

Stand ON it!

Stomp ON it!

ON and ON, ON and ON…

I just had to go ON.

For I am going ON.

For when one is missing from the ONE, it just leaves you with ON!

Your focus is on the ON, not the ONE!

You are always ON!

ON and ON.

You say “I’m ON it!”

You say “leave it with me I’m ON it”

But you struggle to stand ON it, to stay ON it, to keep ON it, to keep going ON!

I am so tired, so very tired, so beyond tired of it, weary of it. I would rather be OFF than ON! Always something to consider, always something to deal with, always ON! Even in the darkness of night, something is always ON!

My light shines in the darkness.

My light shines in the darkness.

My glory shines in the darkness.

When I enter the room there is always light!

For I light the way, I illuminate the path, I’m ON it!

Actually I am always ON!

For my light never goes out, can never be diminished, only covered.

There is no darkness that can diminish my sight.

What is the pain of your point, what is the point of your pain?

For you stand on your point, the pinnacle, the point of your pain.

Why so surprised by the falling away all around?

Am I not just sharpening the point, the pinnacle, the peak of your position?

For you are far from ordinary, so far from ordinary. For I have led you so far from the ordinary.

You pause and with your eyes, see the great height from which you could fall, you feel the point and experience the pain of uncertainty, the fear of loss, the confinement of the boundary.

Yet I have elevated you far and above it all.

If I have taken you higher, will I not also prevent you from falling?

You pause and ponder how it is you got here.

You wonder what is the point, and yet you rest upon my point, the highest point.

Have I not given you dominion, have I not given you oversight?

Have I not given you the place from which you can see over?

For the ruler, sits upon the high place, he need not come down for his subjects just do his bidding.

He need not do the work, only instruct, only give instructions, only guide the builders.

Is this not your destiny, to inhabit the high place?

In your own words you say “I have no fear of heights, only a fear of falling”

Is this not my point, is this not the point, is this not the point of your standing, the point I want you to understand?

For my point is not to bring pain, my point is to push you higher, to elevate your thinking, your posture, your position, your stance, your dominion.

You look down and see how far you could fall. I want you to look down and see your subjects, the substance of my power, the power I have given you, the elevated position.

For you want to be down, I want you to be up. You look up and see no-one higher than you, you look down in fear, fear of the fall.

Yet how can you fall from a position, that I have placed you in?

You see it now don’t you…

Placed upon the highest platform, given the highest position, then lying face down looking over the edge with great fear.

I don’t want to go ON about it, ON and ON, ON and ON, ON and ON…

Neither do I, as you kept me awake all night, with you going ON and ON about ON! What is your point?!

My point, is that this is MY POINT! That which you stand upon is my point! For I have placed you ON point!

Stay ON it!

Stand ON it!

Proclaim ON it!

For I have given you the high place, the high point! The elevated point! The point of elevation!

It is time to rise, it is time to arise, time to rule! Time to get ON with it!

For my chosen, need not look down in fear, but look over with power and my authority.

Ask of me what you will, for you already know the answer!

It is time to ask me for more than the miraculous car parking space. For despite the dozens of cars looking for one today, did I not make room just for you?

For the chosen one, the appointed one, the anointed one, always has room, always has a space reserved for him!

For when you arise, my glory rises upon you.

All you need to do is arise, and leave the rest to me!

Is this not my promise to you?

Isaiah 60:1-5 ARISE from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness all peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about you and see! They all gather themselves together, they come to you. Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried and nursed in the arms. Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy at the glorious deliverance and be enlarged; because the abundant wealth of the DeadSea shall be turned to you, unto you shall the nations come with their treasures.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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