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On Fire

Off side.

Ahead of the ball.

Over the side.


Over the edge.

Into the breach.

In the place of the fire.

Walking in the fire.

A baptism of fire.

Yet my fire drips off you.

Yet my fire drips off you.

Yet my fire drips off you.

A raging fire.

An overwhelming fire.

A fire that will overwhelm your enemy.

You see the fire break out on all sides.

For you are my fire starter.

In the dry place, in the desert place, you will breathe my fire.

This will be the start of something.

For I have started something.

For this is only the start.

Like a fire starter, once lit it soon overwhelms the kindling.

Accelerated fire.


Uncontrolled fire.

Break out.

Burst forth.

For you have broken in.

This is a break in.

This is an invasion.

This is an invasion of glory.

This is an outpouring of glory.

For you could feel my fire.

Why so surprised at the redness in your face!

For it was simply a sign of my fire breaking out.

Such opposition.

Such resistance.

Like a wall you came against.

Like hitting your head against a wall for 20 mins.

Trying to contain your frustration.

Trying to keep your composure.

Trying not to break something.

And yet in that moment you broke something.

This was not a subtle thing.

I saw it.

I felt your passion rise.

For this is a defining moment.

Better, stronger, faster.

For you shall set fire to the enemies plans.

You shall cause him to run in abject fear.

For I have placed my fire in your eyes.

I see you trying to catch yourself, trying to restrain yourself, trying to retreat back to the sideline.

Yet what will you see if you take a seat on the sideline.

The fire going out, the enemy taking back what is mine! Yet that shall not be!

Yes that shall not be.

For my fire overwhelms you.

My fire cannot be put out, my fire cannot go out, for it drips from your hand.

Could you not see it.

Yes Lord - I saw their response. Wide eyes. Open eyes, full attention, like they had been caught off guard. It was unexpected, but I saw your hand at work.

Did I not say I would cause them to follow you?

Yet I feel so much like Moses saying - “can you not send Aaron?”, for I know not what to say. I consult with myself and have no answer. And yet whilst pondering what to do next, I see the work of my great armour bearer, and know you have equipped me for battle.

Yes I know.

I know how much you love that passage, the wonder of it all, the majesty of it all, a reflection of my glory, covered in my glory, resplendent in my glory, bathed in my glory.

For now you know.

For now in this moment it is revealed unto you.

In the moment where you feel least equipped, the one I chose for you appears carrying the equipment.

You mess me up Lord!

For the one who appears to have the least to offer, possesses all that you need for victory. Her name is synonymous with victory, with he by your side victory is assured, victory is manifest, victory appears like a candle lit in the place of intense darkness.

For she breaks open the way, and then gives you what you need to lead the people forward.

For this was always your destiny.

This is the manifestation of wholeness.

This is the blessing of unity.

This is the restoration of ownership.

This is the taking back from your enemy.

This is the tipping point.

For I have pushed you over the edge.

I am putting my wind up you.

I will bring forth momentum.

I will provide the wind beneath your wings.

I will lift your hands up when they are weary.

Consider yourself restored.

Act like you are restored.

For I will give you the words to say.

Don’t hold yourself back.

Don’t ask for permission, act like you have it, for you have my endorsement.

For I am birthing a new thing in you.

I am bringing in the wealth of the nations.

A trickle at first, and then a flood.

For I will see to it, that you get what you ask for.

For the king, the chosen one, always gets what he requests.

Step out in anticipation of a warm welcome.

For you know what they are like, and you saw their reaction.

For I have caused you to lead them through, to lead them out, you shall speak with my words of authority.

Be at peace and remain at rest.

For don’t you see, they were in no hurry to come out of the furnace, they felt no ill effects from the fiery circumstance, for they walked with my fire.

Say unto yourself “SMOKIN”.

Repeat after me “ON FIRE!”

For as you said of yourself in the presence of your tribe “Hit me again devil, and I will get fired up, for I have set my face like flint, and I intend to burn down your camp, to utterly destroy your place of habitation”

And I say AMEN.

And what do you see now?

A huge flow of lava, flowing down the hill towards the enemies camp.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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