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On Fire

And it burns.

And it burns.

You see the flames rising higher and higher.

The stench of burning flesh rises into your nostrils.

A bonfire.

An all consuming fire.

And it is gone.

And it is gone.

Up in smoke it goes.

Nothing left but ashes.

Nothing left but fire.

For my fire rages still.

For my fire burns within and without.

Conceived by fire.

Birthed in the flame of the fire.

A light shining in the place of intense darkness.

And I fanned into flame the intensity of it.

It was I that poured oil on it.

An accelerant, designed to assist with the burning.

And it falls from your hand.

And it falls from your hand.

You can still feel it now.

For you were designed to burn down the enemies camp.

You feel like Shadrach walking with me in the furnace and have no desire to come out.

For who can burn up that which cannot be consumed?

And yet I have burnt up your old self, your old clothes, your old life, and all you see is the burning carcass.

And yet what is it I showed you?

My burning hands upon the corpse, celebrating that the old version of me is now gone. For I cannot be Clark anymore. You have delivered me from me, so I can now be the deliverer.

And now what is it you see?

You splashing the oil all over the fire, so that it burns hotter than ever before. Like fireworks, with such delight and wonder.

Birthed in the fire.

Bathed in the fire.

To be my fire.

For it flows from your hand when you go with my flow.

For who can contain my fire?

For who can contain my love?

For who can limit my purpose?

I have gone and done it for you.

I have broken the limit.

I have broken that which contained.

And you see it now!

What is it you see now?

A sack of eggs bursting open, bringing forth the birth of abundance.

“Fan the flame, don’t give up the fight, in the night speak His name, is name is life.”

For that which grows does not always reveal its growth.

For the seed first breaks open, and the roots grow downwards undercover, under my cover.

And then when the season changes the blossoms reveal themselves.

For you don’t see the bud, until the blossom unfurls before you.

And I revealed myself to you in a different way than you expected.

It was in the pause.

It was in a moment of reflection.

In a moment where you could reflect upon that which had happened.

And I saw the smile on your face.

You wanted time to process it, but now it reveals itself.

The vehicle of transformation had brought forth restoration.

On the bumpiest of roads, your beloved showed no signs of distress, yet at the beginning this was not so.

At the moment where you were pondering what happened to the dream, it revealed itself, it manifested itself.

And yet this is but a glimpse of what is to come.

For I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it?

That which was is no more.

The past has passed away and the new springs forth.

The is great blessing in the pile of ashes.

For it reminds you of Elisha burning up all that was, in order to become what is and is to become.

For the old tools of an old trade, serve no purpose in a new occupation.

For who needs earthly tools to do heavenly business?

Yet does not fire require fuel to burn?

I will supply all that you need according to my riches in glory.

For you know it will be glorious.

Let’s start with beauty, is that not the one thing you seek?

For my beauty is compelling.

My beauty is beyond all that you can grasp.

My beauty is mysterious.

My beauty is beyond knowledge.

My beauty stands before you.

My beauty smiles at you.

My beauty rests her head upon your shoulder.

My beauty sits in your home.

My beauty walks hand in hand with you.

My beauty lights up the room.

My beauty is captivating but does not hold you captive.

My beauty draws you out.

My beauty has no fear.

My beauty is not defined by man, but by me.

My beauty is powerful, brings healing, calls for devotion, longs to meet with you, to embrace you, possesses the highest value, and yet cannot be bought.

The radiance of her beauty fires you up, ignites a fire that cannot be quenched.

My beauty evokes desire, compels movement, drives action, invites attention.

For I have given you beauty for your ashes, in the place of your ashes, as the catalyst for transformation, to parade my kindness, my glory, my goodness, my intent.

To bring healing to the hurting, the rejected, the broken, the brokenhearted, the outcast, the downcast.

For I will cause you to illuminate all that is beautiful, to bring my fire to the darkest places.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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