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On Fire

For my fire rages within you.

Unbounded, without boundary.

Breaking through.

Crossing the line.

Over the edge.

For it burns.

It burns within and without.

Within and without.

It is the warmth of my radiance.

It seeps from your eyes when opened.

For I am firing you up.

Like a flint when struck.

For you feel the impact so strongly.

A piece chipped off here, a piece missing there.

Yet how you count is so different from me.

I see the spark.

I see the kindling of a spark.

I see your passion being stirred again.

I see the light rising from within.

You count the losses.

You go looking for that which is missing.

Another piece, yet without peace.

In search of that which you think will complete you, yet I find nothing missing.

For you are searching for yourself again.

Say unto yourself “for I have found…”

And again “for I have found…”

Say “I am the missing piece”

For that which was rejected becomes the cornerstone of my plan, my purpose, my building, my monument.

For that which was misconstrued will become clear to the one who hears.

For when I strike, it is to bring forth the fire, to inflame the situation, to bring my light into the circumstance, to disrupt the enemies plans, to burn up that which will get in the way.

When your enemy strikes, it is to rob, to distract, to inflame your anger, to cause offence, to make you sit on the fence, to cause you to hold yourself back.

For you have shackled yourself with all these limitations.

Whether it is flax or chains, or closed doors, or disappointment, or rejection, or limitation it is all the same to me.

For who wraps themselves so tightly, its like you are preparing yourself for your burial, and have covered every part of yourself, in order to prepare yourself for that which you consider inevitable.

For what is the point of the burial clothes?

Who needs to be covered when they are dead?

Have I not got you covered?

Is my robe insufficient for the purpose for which I intended it?

For you have missed the point of the mantle.

For it is a conveyance of authority.

It is a showcase of position.

It is a sign of assignment.

It is a sign of your assignment.

It is evidence of your assignment.

It is bestowed by another, the one who possesses higher authority.

For to give it up, is called to abdicate one’s authority.

For the one who wears the royal robe, has royal authority.

For I have placed upon you my authority.

A coat of great fire.

For you shall not be consumed by fire, but will manifest it.

For the natural fire consumes all that will burn.

The supernatural fire brings warmth, causes those perceptive to it to draw near, to lie beside it, to rest in the presence of it, to be comforted by it.

It is a sign of my presence within you.

It is the means by which I will clear the path.

For those in tune with me will come near, those who are opposed will scoff at your presence, your favour, your blessings.

Yet I will make a mockery of their words.

I will use their words against them.

For the one called to deliver, responds to the drawing of my fire.

The one who stands far off, will be drawn to my fire.

Fan the flame of my presence, for I can see the fire in your eyes now, my fire reflected in and through your gaze.

Take my coat upon you, receive that which I have bestowed upon you.

Rise oh mighty one, and ride out in a spirit of triumph.

For the humble one accepts who I say he is, the prideful one rejects my words of affection, refuses my embrace of love.

For this is your assignment, a sign of your assignment.

For you were destined to rule, from the very start.

The time of your rising is here.

Fan the flame of my love.

Fan the flame, my love.

For shall walk on the land of fire.

I am drawing you out, in order to draw them in.

For I am not asking for your acceptance.

Just feel the texture of it, the warmth of it, the fit of it, the covering it provides.

For I have given you my coat of fire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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