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On Fire

For this is no little thing.

Not a tiny spark.

Not a small wick.

Not a thing that slides under the radar.

Not a small thing. Not an insignificant thing.

Not something you can hide.

Not a lamp under a bushel.

A forest fire.

A fire storm.

A land of fire.

Not a gentle thing.

Not a subtle thing.

Not a polite thing.

A ground breaking moment.

A birthing moment.

YES that is it.

You saw it with your own eyes.

At the unexpected moment.

At the unlikely moment.

At a somber moment.

At a reverent moment.

At a solemn moment.

At the moment it greatest loss.

At the burial of the one you loved.

At the time of departure.

At the place of death.

I could not contain myself.

You would feel the breaking free.

You could see the shaking.

The giant opening.

The great crevice.

The shifting of the ground.

Split apart like a giant birth canal.

Pushing back the ground beneath it.

The tearing open. The breaking out.

The breaking point. The point of breakthrough.

The birth of a new fire.

All consuming.

All defining.

Wreaking havoc on the habitation of your enemy. On the habit of your enemy.

For there is nothing subtle about the new birth.

When it comes all shall know it.

Birthed in a bloody mess.

Shaking with such intensity.

Like a fire shut up in your bones about to be released.

Yet in the midst of it, in the presence of it, walking in the path of fire, in the fire storm, how do you feel?

>Fired up, powered up, stronger, more powerful, full of your power.

For you move in an opposite spirit.

Like Caleb a man with a different spirit.

For when you carry my fire what shall you fear?

When you walk through the fire it shall not kindle upon you.

For all that was discarded, all that was refused, all that was diminished shall only serve as fuel in my bonfire.

A bonfire of the vanities. A burning of the expressed vanity of those purporting to be wise, but only demonstrating their ignorance.

For all who contend with you shall be consumed.

For what discussion does the fuel have with the fire?

For I have given you words of fire.

For those who walk in the light shall bathe in the warmth of it.

Those who stand in your way shall be demolished.

If you find it a harrowing experience it is only because you are harrowing the mountain.

Are these not the instruments of harvest?

Does not the very earth tremble at your advance?

Here is what I want you to do.

When you come up against that which is abrasive, that which causes friction, just release my fire.

Seriously I am not messing around.

It is the time of release.

It is time to burn with my fire.

>Let refiners fire have it’s way fully. Til the zeal of the Lord completely consumes me.

As the sparks fly upwards. Release my fire.

Is this not your mantle?

A mantle of fire.

Something not seen before.

A new way.

A fiery way.

Elijah called down fire from heaven. Yet my fire rests upon you.

For I have given you the power over the enemy. Power to burn down the enemies camp.

For who in their right mind provokes a fight with the one who is clothed in fire?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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