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On Edge

On edge.

On the edge.

For upon the edge you sit.

In the place of discomfort.

In the uncomfortable place.

In the sharpened place.

In the place not designed for sitting.

Upon the edge of your understanding.

At the place of the falling.

Upon the high place, where you can look down to the depths of the abyss, or look across the land towards the horizon.

For the horizon extends before you.

From edge to edge.

From the edge towards another edge.

From edge of known to the edge of the unknown.

From the edge upon which you have landed, to the edge that extends before you.

From the high place to the place that is over.

The question is how do you feel about flying?

For you must take a leap of faith.

You must trust me to take the next step.

For am I not the wind beneath your wings?

For whether you know how to fly or not, you must take the leap of faith.

You must extend your hands, you must extend yourself and trust that which you cannot see to hold you up.

For in this season, the only thing holding you up, is that which you cannot see.

You either fly and trust me to hold you up.

Or fall into the abyss of the darkness below.

For my wind blows upon you now.

My wind is blowing you off the edge.

Off your vantage point, to the point of advantage.

For the journey of transformation is now complete.

It is time to test that which I have given you.

For there is no point crawling around amongst the leaves, when it is time to leave.

The means to move will now be so different.

What was previously a small step, to go from one edge of the leaf to another, is now a giant flap to get you from one edge of the known to the edge of the unknown.

For the way to get there is not known, neither is your destination.

For how do you entered the uncharted place?

For there is no map to guide you, only your senses, and the sight I have given you.

And the only way is to use the new thing, that works like the old thing, but it takes you up and across, not from the familiar to the familiar place.

For I will lead the blind by unfamiliar paths.

>I have always been puzzled by that verse, for what is the point of the unfamiliar when you are blind and can not see?

For if the path was familiar, you would know where you are and where you’re going by the edge you rest your hand upon.

This way, the only way forward is to embrace the new, revel in the revelation, look at the situation differently. For what was once so up close and personal, shall now fade into the distance.

Previously all you could touch and feel was familiar.

Yet this season will be so different.

For how do you touch the wind?

How do you see the wind? For all you can see and feel is the impact of it.

Yes Lord it seems to have no substance, yet contains much power.

Even when there appears to be no breeze the birds and butterflies rise upwards.

Ask me to do that which you think is impossible.

Make a way where there is none, give substance to our offer, our position, even when we cannot see what is beneath us, we trust you to hold us up, and to move us forward, to help us rise above. For we need no solid ground when you are with us. Give us a sign of your favour this afternoon. Take us to the other side and give us the physical means to get there. Let there be no hold up, only a demonstration of your support.

For in the former days.

For in the former time.

In the time that was before.

In the past season.

In the past that has passed.

In the time now absent.

It was a time of effort, a time that required muscle, that required strength to move, a time filled with lots of manual effort.

So I gave you the muscle car and filled it with joy, so that you would be strengthened.

In the new season.

In the time that lies ahead.

In this season.

In the harvest season.

You need the means to cut that which has grown.

So I have given you the edge, the cutting edge, the one with the sharp edges, the wedge shaped instrument that will cut through and make a way where there was no way.

For just like you need a machete to cut through the long grass to see what is on the other side, to craft a path for those behind you, this will be that for you.

For it shall cut through the air and elevate you.

It shall cut through the denseness of the grass that lies before you.\

It shall be the instrument of reaping.

The means to reap all that I have sown.

For this shall be my gift to you.

This shall be the means to your end.

For it shall be full of sound and fury, but signify everything.

For I am giving you the edge.

It moves forward of it’s own accord, all you need to do, is take your foot off the brake!

Release my goodness, leap for joy, leap on the basis of joy.

For my desire is for you.

Now is the time of the harvest.

For my breath blows upon you now, elevating you forward.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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