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On Edge

Upon the edge.

On the edge.

On edge.

On the ledge.

On the precipice.

On the brink.

At the point of contention.

At the breaking point.

Pushing the boundary.

Stretching the chains, wrestling with the chains.

In the place of weakness.

In the place of weariness.

In the place where you feel your strength waning.

In the place of exhaustion.

In the place where you have exhausted all the options.

In the place that looks like defeat.

Where the enemy invites you to give up, to surrender to the darkness, to breathe your last.

For this is where I stand.

For this is the start of my infusion.

For this is the place of your infusion.

For this is the place of breakthrough.

For this is the turning point.

For this is the fork in the road.

For this is the place of victory.

For I will make your weakness your strength.

For I will make your failures the fuel for your victory.

For the enemy will rue the day that he fought with you.

For that which would have killed anyone else by now, will set you free, will become a weapon of mass destruction in your hand.

For all around you, you see the walking zombies, those with good intentions making bad decisions, many opting out, many covering their fire, smothering their fire, like grated out white washed living tombs. They may as well be dead, but wander around with the appearance of life, trying to put on a brave face.

And there you sat before them, feeling the pain of all they have lost, all that they are going to lose, and worse still their acceptance of the inevitability of their defeat, like there is no other option.

You don’t know what to do with them, you encourage them with a “Christian” platitude imploring them to put “Christ” at the centre. And they voice their “Amen”. You encourage them to obey, to align themselves with my way, and they confirm their desire to do so. Yet you feel like it is lighting a match in front of a frost bitten man, hoping that it will provide some warmth.

You feel the raging fire within and seek to let it out, but feel at a loss as to how to do so.

You feel my fire now, burning in your hands, yet you do not want to make a scene.

You feel like a burning flame walking through the land of ice.

Yet you have spoken the words that I commanded you to say.

Do not be dismayed at the sight of their faces, and you will not be overcome.

I have assigned you to this purpose, for this purpose, on purpose, to release my fire, to burn down the enemies camp, to provide warmth, light and love.

Do not hold back, for you will not be embarrassed.

I sense you feel the pressure to conform. I see you holding back, I see you holding yourself down, I see you becoming increasingly concerned with being the odd man out.

Yet I have given you a different spirit, you were designed to stand out in the crowd, or to sit in the standing crowd.

The Devil seeks to convince you to conform, to pause and wonder if you are hearing from me.

Yet time after time, time after time, many times of the time, I have caused you to be unlike all those around you.

Like the time of the “plop” where you could not sit and had to remain standing for the whole sermon.

Was this your doing or mine?

Yours Lord.

Since when has it been your desire to fit in with the crowd?

Since the season of the Loss, since the season of weakness, since the wave after wave of constant pressure. I don’t want to be above the radar.

Yet it is I that has called you by name to the front.

I know what you are thinking right now…

Why does the Pastor call everyone to the stage except me?

What a laugh, you crack me up so much!

For you asked this question, when you had no ability to respond to such a call. You and I were having a moment, and all you could do was sit with me.

I found it so frustrating as you showed me what you wanted to do, a room full of your fire, I was so keen to stand and release your fire, but could not do so! What is the point of all this fire if you inhibit my ability to release it?
It messes me up that I can see the lack, and you provide the fullness, but then stop me from releasing it!

Yet I have given you permission to walk with me, to align with me, to release me.

I had the opportunity for the one Lord and thank you for showing up. I still feel the power of that moment days later.

Walk with me, talk with me, release me.

The time is here, the time is now!

For I am no respecter of protocols, just go with my flow, release my flow.

For I will show you the way.

Respond to my invitation, step when I say move.

For you are my chosen instrument, a mighty sceptre in my hand.

The one who brings release, the one who breaks the chains.

The one who sets the captive free.

Not my might or by power, but by my Holy Spirit.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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