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Off Putting

Don’t be put off.

Don’t be dismayed at the sight of their faces.

For many lack understanding.

Many lack insight.

No one knows what you know.

For that which was untold shall now be told.

For that which was unknown shall now be known.

For a new kind emerges.

A new thing is born.

In the time of breaking, I am birthing.

In the time of limitation I am breaking through.

From the confined place comes my instrument of freedom.

For that which was once contained now flys.

For you stand in what appears to be the broken place.

A break in the wall.

A new door.

A new way.

A new path.

For you stand before that which is broken.

For I have broken open a way.

Free from limitation.

For the limitation is repelled by you.

As you step forward, the wall steps back.

You can see the bricks shaking, the gaps forming, the limitation breaking.

For the limitation falls before you.

For I am repositioning you.

That which stands in your way has now paved the way.

For the shell that contained you now paves the way for you.

For it falls before you.

For it falls into place as you step forward.

The wall now becomes the floor.

That which limited you shall now advance you.

For that which contained you, now paves the way for you.

For the shell of it, comes the path upon which you now walk.

For you shall stand upon the ground of impact.

You stand on the circle of birthing.

From this place shall come a fountain of my blessing.

Streams flowing through the cracks and over the edge.

For your birth is off putting to your enemy.

For your walk puts off your enemy, frustrates your enemy, aggravates your enemy.

For you are undeterred.

Through you I will deter the plans of the enemy.

For the word has gone out.

For the word I have given you is a gift.

Give the gift. Be the gift. Bring the gift. Demonstrate what I have given you. Release the gift. Reveal the gift.

Tell them you are gifted. And now you will become better, stronger and faster.

For this is a fruitful seed. This seed will produce a harvest.

Look out for fruitfulness. Look out for scale, the means to scale the heights. The means to realise the dream.

Get creative again. Be all that you can become.

For I have prepared you for this moment.

I have prepared this era to suit your unique design.

Don’t be shy about who you are and whose you are.

I have made you for this purpose.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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