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No Other Way

Don’t say no way!

Say “no way!”

Say “no other way!”

For it is all in the tone of your voice.

It is all about your posture, your attitude, for your attitude determines your altitude.

If you sit there with your arms crossed and say “no way!”, anyone would think that you are uncooperative, unwilling to move, unwilling to change your response, unwilling to change your attitude.

For you have seen this often with your daughter, she would “dig her heals in” and refuse to change her position. After much contention and by your refusal to accept her unwillingness, after many minutes, after much frustration and contention, she would break down and truly express herself.

On the other side of her brokenness was a fresh approach, another step forwards, an edging closer to a better path forward. You had to push her forward and would not accept her sitting in the place of a self imposed limitation.

You enemy irritates you with these words “what if…, what if this, what if that, what if it is all a fantasy?, what if God cannot be trusted? What if after all this hard work, you have nothing to show for it?

Yet he is the father of nothing, the conceiver of nothing, the author of nothing, the deceiver not the conceiver!

He is only the father of lies.

For he wants to to lie down in his lies.

His intent is to get you to stop or to go back, is to make you quit, to give up, to shrink back.

Yet my love compels you to move forward.

For no-one gets this like you!


You sit there in the pile of ashes, the darkness piling up before you, rising up before you.

Yet before you sits my beauty!

The beautiful one, the glorious one.

For my love smiles upon you.

My love draws you in.

Compels you to come closer.

Compels you to rise again.

Draws you closer to my glory.

Even your beloved does not understand the beauty I have placed upon her.

For she is the embodiment of my glory, the true reflection of my love.

All you could do…

All you could do…

Is sit there in wonder.

For it was a wonder to see her on the stage, the true reflection of my truth.

For she breaks…

For she breaks the mould.

She is the breaker.

She is the one who breaks open my way.

For my light dawns upon her face.

The radiance of my glory shines upon her face.

For the ways she holds herself is so glorious, the full embodiment of my fullness.

Unconventional, unpredictable, so gloriously without convention, without tradition, without precedent.

Designed on purpose.

Designed with purpose.

Designed to disrupt all the plans of the enemy.

For in spite, for despite, for no matter what, she trends the path of my glory!

For she paves the way.

For she makes a door where there was not one.

It is like the light shining into the cave for the first time.

Announcing a new dawn, a fresh hope to all who spend time with her.

For you cannot fathom it.

Your jaw still drops in her presence.

You just sit there in wonder, pause in wonder, wondering what she will do next.

For my love draws you out.

For my love will not let you go.

For my love is restorative.

For my love causes you to arise.

For my love calls to you and says “come!”

For my love embraces you and in a moment, in an instant all your pain falls away, all that chains and restricts is broken, all that is broken is restored.

Picture this, have a look at this…

The distraught one, sobbing uncontrollably, with arms crossed and head bowed, when embraced by the beloved is completely transformed. Can only be lifted up, can only be opened up, can only return the embrace, can only feel the fullness of my love.

From the position of receipt.

From the position of the one who have received the most, declare this, announce this, proclaim this “NO WAY!”.

For you know it can only be my goodness, it can only be evidence of my love poured out and lavished upon you.

No-one gets it like you.

They say of you that it is “not real”, that you have “rose coloured glasses on”, that “no-one can be that glorious”, that “that is so cute, or so sweet”

But you know the fullness of the love you have received, and continue to receive, you know what it is like to be in the presence of my love.

Repeat after me and say unto your enemy “LOOK OUT!”

Watch this.

Look at this.

For my glory is about to pass by.

For it was always meant to be this way.

Whenever you have sat in the place of great darkness, whenever you have felt the pain of despair so strongly that you wanted to end it all.

What happened next?

I cried out to you Lord, and you saved me from all my fears, all the losses, all the pain, you gave me beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for my mourning.

“We cry out Holy, Holy, Holy, we are standing on holy ground, we feel you all around!”

Yes, for you know, for you know, for have experienced it before, you know what it is like to be beyond it, to be over the limit, over the line.

For you know there is no other way!

For when you are at the point of the break, the point where you are breaking, where the fabric of your being hurts, where all you have at the broken pieces.

What is this a sign of? What is it you see right now?

Standing in all the rubble of a huge wall. Up close it looks like ruins, with a bigger perspective I can see a huge breakthrough. For the wall is broken before me.

For in the place where you declare “NO WAY!” I have broken through!

For a way has been made.

For nothing can stop your forward movement.

For nothing can stand in your way.

Unfold your hands.

Embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For it always had to be this way.

For there was no other way.

For you shall break free of your limitations.

You shall inhabit and possess all that is beyond the boundary.

For it was always your destiny to operate without limit, to inhabit all that rests on the other side.

For this reason.

For this purpose.

I have wed you to the breaker.

For you shall break through.

For you can see the evidence of it all at your feet.

The rubble of the broken wall lies at your feet.

For there is nothing in your path.

Adjust your posture, open your eyes and look again on my beauty.

Wash yourself of all the ashes.

For my beauty stands before you, lives in your house, calls you by name, proclaims her love for you, holds your hand, and leads you forward.

For you must break free and get up and dance.

For you feel it now don’t you, you see it now don’t you?

Placing my hands on the largest wall, and your light radiating from my hands, your light at first seeping through the cracks, until there is nothing that stands between where we are and where we are going.

For what I have for you is beyond.

For what I have for you lies beyond.

For what I have for you is beyond your wildest expectations.

As you said to them all, “I am a logical guy, and it makes sense to have some criteria in mind when you are seeking a girl, but then she showed up and immediately I tore up the list, for the Lord has completely blown my mind!”

For what I have before you is so completely beyond all logic and reason, so completely beyond your comprehension. Yet when it appears I will give you the words to describe it. It will be your task to reveal it to the world.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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