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Taken away.

For I have taken you away.

What is your take away?

What is your take?


For what has been taken, that you did not want to give up?

For you remember with great fondness the great work that was accomplished.

You pat yourself on the back for all that was given, yet not received.

You ponder the absence of your presence.

Yet I want you to see your absence as a present!

For in the present there shall be many presents as a result of my presence.

You feel it like a tear in your soul.

You feel the rendering of your heart asunder.

Yet I have rendered asunder that which has achieved its purpose.

For I am taking you away.

A new rendering is coming.

For I will render unto you a new render.

A new shape, a new mould, like nothing before or since.

For what is coming is so bold, it stands out so far from the crowd, that it will attract a crowd.

Unseen, never before seen.

Not unseemly, unseenly.

Never seen before.

You think I am dusting off the old, for you have seen the dust settle.

For the dust has settled.

Yet what I have for you is brand new.

What I have for you is brand you.

A remantling in the place of the dismantling.

You see awash with emotion.

You see the blood flowing freely in the water.

You feel the cutting to the core.

The loss of all that was gained.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For this is the gain from all that was lost.

I have cut out the core.

I have ripped out it’s heart, it lies bleeding in my hand, erupting and spurting all around, blood everywhere.

For how does one breathe without a heart?

How does one stay alive without a heart.

The heart of stone ripped out, and replaced with a new heart, empowered with so much power.

You feel my power rise within you.

Pause and reflect.

Pause and reflect upon.

Pause and reflect upon this.

I came in response to your call.

For you are the one I love.

Was it not such a happening place!

Was it not the place of the happening?

Did you not see the work of my hands in your hands?

Yes Lord I felt and saw your fire all around, I felt your power flowing through my hands.

Yet this is only a taste of what is to come.

I am barely scratching the surface.

For when you seek me you shall always find me, when you seek me with your whole heart.

For here you find yourself.

For here you find myself.

For here you shall find me.

I was cracking up so hard, you could feel my joy bursting forth all around.

Such laughter and delight and joy, amplified, magnified resonating all around, bursting forth all around.

There you were telling everyone, “that there is a shift coming, a whole nuther level, next level, not an incremental shift, but a supernatural shift, a top level, a level that blows their mind.”

I was cracking up when you said to one of them “say a whole nuther level, declare a whole nuther level, proclaim a whole nuther level!”






For I am DOING that which is new.

Never felt before, never seen before, my handiwork in your hands.

Bursting forth all around.

Not an incremental shift , a supernatural shift, an exponential shift, a level so much higher than you expect.

Say unto yourself “that was unexpected!”

For you were so in the moment, so aligned with me, that all that you could do, was say “that’s amazing!”

Yet now it occurs to you again.

Now it shall occur to you again.

The occurring again and again, over and over, for I am building a new reputation for you.

What is is you see before your own eyes?

The royal attendants dressing me for a special occasion, placing more and more gold upon my golden armour, the special suit, for a special occasion.

It is your point of contrast.

For you feel stripped of all that matters to you, naked but not ashamed, bruised and battered from another beating.

Yet for every thing that was taken away, that was stolen from you, all the tearing, all the pain, all the bruising….

I am doing a new thing.

New for old replacement.

Everything discarded, held in no regard…

Everything disrespected, held with no respect…

You could see the pain in their eyes, from those who had come to know who you are and what you offer.

The tearing of the tearing, the free flow of emotions.

There you sit and wonder what it is that you have left.

You pause and reflect on that which remains.

All you see is the remnant.

The patch on the worn out garment.

Yet here is my vision for the before and after.

The before a patch, a bandaid on a dying patient.

The after a healing patch, that transforms the lost, the dying, the broken, the absent, the lifeless, and brings wholeness, extreme power, supernatural power, strength in the place of weakness, a mind blowing moment, life in the place of death.

All that I have promised is coming to pass in this season.

Did I not say that I have put transformation in your hand, and restoration in the hand of your beloved.

Transformed restoration, restored transformation! Yes Lord I remember it.

Did you not see? Have you not heard? Do you not know?

There it appears.

An appearance you did not expect.

In the midst of it all, I was multitasking.

Announced in your midst.

My presence presented before you.

My work unveiled before your eyes.

I came here tonight with bad arthritis, with my hands bent and unable to be straightened, and now look! I can move my hands all the way back!

Is this not such a laugh?

I am cracking up so much.

What more evidence do you need of the work of my hands, than hands that now work!

This is just the beginning.

Look out, expect more of me, so much more of me, beyond all your expectations.

Let your hands be strong…

Zechariah 8:11-13 But now [in this period since you began to build] I am not to the remnant of this people as in the former days, says the Lord of hosts. For there shall the seed produce peace and prosperity; the vine shall yield her fruit and the ground shall give its increase and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit and possess all these things. And as you have been a curse and a byword among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so will I save you, and you shall be a blessing. Fear not, but let your hands be strong and hardened. What was the ceiling is now the floor.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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