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New Threads

New threads.

New patterns.

New joins.

New dots.

New threads.

Distinctive threads.

Threads that I’m illuminating.

Threads that I am drawing attention to.

Threads that will stand apart from that which is common.

I’m joining my own dots.

A pulling together.

A joining together.

An impartation from one to another.

A drawing out from the one to the other.

A reigniting.

A redrawing.

New connection.

Overwhelming power in the place of disconnection.

An empowering in the frayed place in the disconnected place.

In the place of the tearing.

In the torn place.

In the ripped up place.


Fresh power.

For the weak place will become the strongest place, a mighty fortress for the refugee.

From the fountain shall flow streams of power.

The flow of power from one thread to another. Like the rain drops flowing from above to strengthen the rivers that flow beneath.

Streams of delight, streams of de light.

Threads of light.

Woven together by my hand.

For I am illuminating the path, the path of power, the threads of power.

The passage of the power, neons of power, steams of great power.

A woven quilt. A distinctive quilt. New threads. Threads of great power.

Uncommon threads.

Uncommon threads.

Uncommon threads.

Uncommon threads.

Royal threads.

Threads of distinction.

A majestic covering.

A royal covering.

A mantle of power.

A coat of great power.

For I must express myself.

For I will express myself.

For I will manifest myself.

Threads of distinction.

A weaving of distinction.

A connecting of that which bears distinction.

A coming together of that which is distinctive.

A highlight of distinction.

Not an ordinary thread.

A thread of illumination.

A path of light.

A light connection.

A connection of light.

A connection of delight.

Streams of light.

A fresh movement of light.

A seam of light.

A drawing to the light.

A sewing together of light.

A stretching then a settling.

A drawing together for a new covering.

Sown together into the fabric of that which is material.

The path of light sown into the fabric of darkness.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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