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New Threads

Not a frayed.

No longer frayed.

But an affray.

Not weakened but strengthened.

The pulling apart makes stronger.

I am removing all the fluff.

All the frayed edges.

All the spilt ends.

The thinning out to make stronger.

The pruning back to create room for growth.

From the weakened state to the strengthened state.

From the fallen place to the elevated place.

From the downtrodden to the one who stands upon.

From the one stepping back to the one leading the charge.

From the bruised and battered to the impregnable wall.

From the beaten to the triumphant.

I am adding something new.

New threads.

New fire.

New powers.

New blessings.

New strength.

New level ups.

New levels.

An injection of power.

A super serum.

My super additive.

My super powers.

My super strength.

You can feel it.

Can you feel it?

For it now flows.

For it now flows within you.

At the core.

From the core.

New core strength.

New core strengths.

Better than before. Stronger than before. Faster than before.

Greater vision.

So much stronger.

Better than new.

What a laugh! For I know what you are thinking right now.

Sounds like the six million dollar man!

You and I only know. It is a private joke.

So apropos though.

The meshing together.

The activation of that which lies dormant.

The coming out.

The coming alive.

The second coming.

The constructive rebuilding of M.....

First the mantling.

Then the dismantling.

Then the appointment.

Then the training.

Then the holding on.

The waiting for.

The departure.

The returning.

Are you getting this?

The crossing over to.

The departure from.

The crossing over to depart.

The coming and the going.

The weighting for the departure.

The unexpressed in the unexpected for the unknown that is now known.

Oh the joy of your expression and your experience.

The outpouring.

Then the going to the gathering.

The gathering to celebrate the goodness. My goodness.

The departure to go to the place of his departure.

I was waiting for you to come.

And there you found yourself.

Once again tending to the needs of your mother as the time of his departure came.

For you always new you would be there when he departed and so you were.

Now is the time to come back.

The time of your second coming.

For your body left some months ago and now is the time to receive all that you possess.

For now you have caught up with yourself.

Now you have found yourself.

Here now.

Here now.

Here and now.

It’s happening now.

For in the place of returning I have returned to you.

The one you love has departed but now I give you back that which you miss the most, yourself.

Now take up this mantle.

For at this time I have appointed you.

Now is the time of your appointment.

Ground breaking opportunities.

The birth of something revolutionary at the time of the revolution.

No more hoops for you to jump through.

A new hoop for you to throw.

A hook to place your loops.

Circles of perfection.

Empowered circles of perfection.

New threads. New strength. So much more than you expected.

For there you sit and ponder who you have become.

There I sit with you and place upon you all that you shall become.

For it shall be transformative.

Like nothing seen before or since.

Yet all shall now from whom it came.

Picture it like this....

A stone thrown in the water is expected to sink.

But when thrown by you it shall be transformed before their eyes into something new that breaks all that surrounds it. Rather than sink it transforms into a new bird and flys higher and higher.

Beyond your imagination. Beyond your weakness, beyond all that you possess to the place of your kingdom, your dominion.

From the place where you can nearly think to the place of thought leadership.

Be confident in this, for the great journey we started together is only just beginning. Beyond all that you can imagine.

From the place of emptiness to the place of fullness.

From the place of great loss to the place of ultimate gain.

Look not unto yourself to understand how, just look in wonder at my smiling face.

Receive all my joy and delight.

For what is to come is so much more than all you could imagine.

Isaiah 54:2-3
Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; spare not; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes,
For you will spread abroad to the right hand and to the left; and your offspring will possess the nations and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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