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New Patterns of Growth

And I have caused you to rest your hand upon the harvest that is to come.

Resting upon that which grows.

So many colours. Blossom after blossom.

A harvest of many colours.

First the ground cover.

For your hands shall rest upon that which blossoms.

Ahead of the times. In the time of the times.

You shall feel it in your fingertips. Evidence of growth. Evidence of colour. Evidence of that which multiplies.

And then the crafting of that which crafts.

And then the crafting of that which shall craft.

The making of new instruments of your craft.

The spinning around to make a whole.

That which spins forming a whole of precision, a hole of precision.

To make room for that which shall fit that space.

For you shall construct a new mixer.

That which spins for that which mixes.

A new mixer for a new mixture.

A new mixer for a new pattern.

A new pattern mixer.

A new pattern.

A double sided pattern.

An aerial view of that which shall be.

A heavenly perspective on a new blueprint.

A sign, an imprint, an aerial view of that which forms beneath.

Like braille for the blind. An engraving of a third dimension. Branches of growth. Patterns of growth. A bundle of growth. Like a bunch of grapes but a pattern of growth, buds of growth, a snippet of growth.

A strip of that which shall become.

Like the ploughing of new land. A new material.

The formation of a new material.

A new pattern of growth.

Mixed to form strips.

Like a pasta maker, but a pattern maker.

A prophetic script.

A prophetic plough.

An instrument of harvest.

For I see you cutting the strips, then overlaying them upon the ground.

For you shall pass it on in part. Not the full sequence, but a start of the path, the first steps of their journey. A taste of the harvest.

Each strip with different colours but similar components. One laid down next to the next. Making fields of harvest.

For that which you lay down, that which you overlay, that which you prophesy into being shall come to pass.

For that which was foretold, that which was untold, now unfolds before you.

And the you see it in the mist, in the midst, for that which is due shall now fall like the dew.

And you will see the promise displayed in the mist, like the rainbow. The display of many colours as evidence of the harvest of many colours.

And then the growth comes from your arrival.

As you arrive my harvest responds.

The harvest responds to your arrival.

At first without a mantle.

But then you put in the coat of many colours.

For this is the coat of promise. The coat of the promise, a fresh coat of the promise, the manifestation of promise.

For as the mist settles, you will see the dew that is due.

For the flow shall rest upon the pattern.

For the harvest shall rise before you.

And the giant oaks shall rise before you.

A huge rainforest of abundance forms before you as you walk the path.

For what was foretold, what was untold, now unfolds before you.

This is my design. This is my plan. This is my promise. This is your purpose.

For if I have purposed it, it shall stand.

Take a step into your purpose, on purpose, for purpose.

Step in with boldness. Step into my anointing. Step into your appointment. Rise to the place I have set aside for you.

For I have set the stage for your arrival.

This path is the work of my hand.

I have given you the blueprint.

The recipes for success. The recipes for growth.

And it rains upon you. And it dawns upon you. And it flows upon you. The rain of the promise. The reign of the promise.

For you shall go with my flow.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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