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New Heights

I remember the heights.
The heights of passion.
The depths of love.
The total abandonment.
The flow of your love.
The total immersion in the refreshing river.
I remember the creative things, the groundbreaking moments, for these were the heights.

I think you are missing something.

For what you see as failures, as low points, I see as building blocks.

For you observe beauty, but reflect ashes.

For you scale the heights but only see the lows.

For beauty smiles at you, and all you can do is sit in wonder.

For you wonder what she is thinking, how she is feeling, what a glorious life she must have, you think.

Yet to touch beauty, to embrace beauty, to hold on to beauty, that is beyond all that you can comprehend.

Is this not my handiwork in your hands?

You cannot conceive it, you can barely embrace it, yet you live with it every day.

My love speaks to you and says come away.

Yet you struggle to move, for it hurts to move, it hurts to be.

In this season I am turning the tables, I am changing it up.

For you don’t see yourself the way I see you.

Open up our eyes to the beauty of your ways…

For you would rather be like Gideon and stay in hiding, to retreat and hold yourself back.

Your glory will return here, and this is why we are waiting…

You know what is holding you back?

The last time, the last time I expressed my vision for the future. It was like I unveiled the glory of your vision and purpose, only for it to be sidelined, to be disregarded, to be ridiculed. To be promoted to a position of no influence.

Yet who told you to take up that position?

Was it not my training ground?

Was it not the place of desolation, of isolation, of incubation?

For I am laughing at your enemy, won’t you laugh with me too?

For if he had known what I would do with Moses, he would have sought him out, and taken him out, for from exile he came to deliver.

For I am calling you out.

For I am calling you in.

Now is the time to return to Egypt.

For the one who was the prince, now comes as a god to deliver.

You know what I am taking about.

For I am barely scratching the surface.

For you know so much more than you are saying.

For no-one truly understands the power I have placed within you.

You want to keep it to yourself so that you will never again be subject to ridicule.

Yet where is your enemy, where is your opponent?

For you go daily searching for him, only to find he is already defeated.

For you try to hide it, but I am calling you out, I am calling you forward, I am placing you in the place of great authority, of great influence.

For you barely shared what I showed you, you hardly expressed what it was. It was a rough picture, hidden by the tracing paper that veiled it.

But you find yourself still shaking from the experience of it all.

It was almost a throw away line, a word rarely used, that reminded you of the hero of the story running towards the enemy across an open field. They were all shooting at him, but could not hit their target, yet each shot fired by him, killed an opponent.

You could feel the power of the word, my power flowing through your hands, your lips.

You knew nothing of what was going to happen, or the full power of my word.

Yet as she described for you, it was so real, it was like you had been in the midst of it all, in the midst of the battle.

It was disturbing to you, for it showed my true power, my intent, the full extent of my plans for you.

You want to sit on the sidelines, but I am making you the main event, the main attraction.

You think you are caught between what happened before, and what will happen again, yet I am making you the happening thing!

Just as you sit in wonder, reflecting upon all that is beautiful, I am making you that beautiful thing!

For people will come out of no-where from know-where, from the place of no knowledge and no influence to be touched by you, to receive from you, to look at you, to have regard for you.

Did I not say this would be UNREAL?

Do not come to your senses, just be led by me, just be who I have made you to be.

Just as the beautiful one, cannot understand what makes her beautiful, struggles to receive any description of her beauty, yet she knows that her beauty comes from me.

Just bathe in my beauty, my glory, my majesty, my wonder.

For it is time to take it up a notch or ten.

This will not be an ordinary thing!

It is time for you to receive your own advice, for you have said of your daughter “when she sees herself as I do, and can receive a compliment a description of her beauty, then she will be truly ready”

It is time for you to see yourself as I do.

For I am disturbing that which disturbs you.

I am disrupting that which disrupts you.

I am taking out, that which took you out.

I am bringing you into the place that you took yourself out of.

When you move, I will move.

When you speak, I will speak.

When you breathe, I will breathe.

When you light the fire, I will burn down the enemies camp.

Utter desolation, utter annihilation, utter eradication.

For I have been calling you out for some time.

You mighty fearless warrior.

You mighty man of valour.

For you shall defeat a whole army as one man.

For I have placed my fire within you.

It is time to burn like never before.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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