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New Birth

As promised.

Just like I promised, I promise.

Just like I said I would.

It will be just like I said it would.

An exact representation of all that I showed.

Can you not see it, can you not feel it?

The raucous applause, the rowdy applause, the over exuberant applause.

The over the top celebration.

So much more than you expect.

To the point of ridiculousness.

A grand display of my goodness.

For the small beginning appears to be so different to the grand ending.

For the kernel of the seed bears no resemblance to that which sprouts forth.

For as you have not despised the small thing, I will give you the greatest thing.

For as you have been despised for pioneering the new thing, you shall be celebrated for establishing a new kingdom.

For the one who fights for freedom, only celebrates when freedom is established.

Yet the one who is free, brings freedom wherever he walks.

For who can contain my freedom?

What have I shown you now?

A vision of me standing at the front of a huge door, and the ground shakes, and the doors tremble as I approach, sensing the presence of freedom, they have no choice but to open that which contains.

For you have broken free of that which sought to constrain you.

Now it is time to walk in freedom.

For I have set before you a wide open space.

For the place that you occupied was too small for you.

For it is the smallness of it that disturbs you.

Like a chick that had outgrown its shell, you must break free.

Like a baby who has outgrown the womb, new birth is here!

For the restlessness you feel is because you have come against that which contains.

For what is the byproduct of agitation?

The pearl of great price?
The transformed butterfly emerging?
The chick emerging from it's shell and flapping its wings?

For that which irritates you serves a higher purpose.

It elevates you to another level, it is evidence of transformation, it is the manifestation of the new that has arrived.

For I see the wrestling match between you and your enemy, like he is in the womb with you and is pulling you back inside in order to contain you.

He convinces you that the next step is not for you, that you are not qualified, you are not equipped, you lack all that is needed for that. For he says to you that the small beginning is all that you will ever have, that you should stay in the place of lack, curl yourself up in a ball and stay in the dark. For he says to you "it is unsafe to proceed from here", "just stay here with me in the dark", "for the light disturbs your senses", "it is not safe for you to emerge", "for you inhabit the dark places", "just stay with me in the dark - it is safer here."

But it is not in your nature to be confined. It is your nature to refuse to accept, that which is unacceptable.

For you know who you are, for you know whose you are, you know what I have deposited in you.

For agitation is just my announcement of an imminent elevation.

For you say to yourself "I am broken", yet I say to you "you have broken through"

For what did I show you before you went to sleep?

My hands breaking through a shell into that which was on the other side.

An emergence, a scene of emergence, a breaking through into a new realm.

Is this not the new thing I promised?

For what lies before you is a whole new life.

The wrestling is over the moment you receive your blessing.

The wrestling is over the moment your receive your blessing.

The wrestling is over the moment your receive your blessing.

And what blessing did Jacob receive?

His name was changed from Jacob to Israel.

From the one event came a whole new nation!

From the place of agitation, came a whole new beginning, a whole new thing.

From the one came the many. For who can say that a whole nation was named after one man's struggle? From the one event came a blessing for so many, from one moment to a moment of momentum, to a momentous monument, to a whole new level of relationship.

For you are not how the small man defines you, for you are so much larger than his ability to comprehend.

For that which emerges is not the same as that which was confined.

For that which emerges is not the same as that which was confined.

For your future speaks to you, your future beckons to you, calls you my name.

One invites you to come forward, the other calls you to come back, to retreat, to fold your arms and pull yourself inward.

One invites you to take the posture of the corpse, the other calls you to spread your wings and soar over your expanding territory.

For the bird, once emerging from its shell, does not return again unto it.

For the butterfly emerges from its cocoon, in fact breaks free from its container, never to return to it.

For that which contained it was always designed to be a temporary place of habitation.

Just like the baby does not return to its womb, it is encouraged to explore its new world, to take steps, to gain strength and understanding, to grow in wisdom and stature, and to establish a whole new way of living for itself and their family.

For indeed.

For indeed.

For indeed.

This is an explosive upgrade, an accelerated elevation, a period of accelerated growth.

For as you look forward.

For as you step forward.

For as you embrace a forward posture.

For as you receive your blessing.

For I will give you reception.

For they shall receive you again.

For they shall receive from you again.

For they shall see you a whole new light, like you have been given a new name.

For it shall be as I have promised.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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