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New Beginnings

It is time to begin.

It is time to get started.

It is time to begin again.

It is time to start over.

It is time to move.

It is time to move again.

It is time to hope again.

It is time for a whole new thing!

That which you hoped for is here.

You are that which they have longed for, hoped for, are desperate for.

For this is the time of destiny.

This is a moment of restoration.

This is a turning point.

This is the point of the turning.

This is the way forward.

It is time to step in.

It is time to step forward.

It is time to be forward.

It is time to come out of the box, out of the cave, out of the cocoon, out of hiding, out from exile.

A time of reappointing.

A time of new appointments.

A time to point to the new.

No longer the hold, but the new.

The same but so different.

From the limited place, the contained place, the stuck place, the place of the crawl, the place of the grind, the place of slow progress.

To the unlimited place, to the supported place, to the connected place, to the place where you fit, to the place of the unlock, to the place of the open door, to the place without a door, to the place of potential, to the place of better, stronger, faster.

But as you have declared "your approach to it matters, will you try and put it back in the box, or embrace it and see growth?"

It is all about mindset.

It is walking upon the water into the storm, describe it, picture it, imagine it.

"Who does that", you ask?

Here let me answer that for you...

The pioneering one, the one who has no fear, the one who has been through the darkest storms, the one who knows what it is like to be overwhelmed, the one who knows what it is like to curl up in a foetal position and just hold on, when there is no-one else to hold on to.

The one who refuses to stay down, the one who cannot quit, the one who bears all, who hopes all, whose only point of surrender is to surrender to me, to take another step forward, when he cannot see the way, or where the way forward looks like death.

For are you not the chosen one?

You resonate so much with Neo, for you want to argue with the Oracle about who you are, you refuse to be defined, and yet you are defined by purpose.

I know you like to convey, to portray the one who is resolute, the one who endures, the committed one, the one who refuses to let go.

And yet I caught you laughing.

I see you now wrestling with that, even at the time you wanted to put your joy back in the box, to just stay calm.

But you could not help yourself.

Your approach generated a result that caught you by surprise.

It made you laugh at what was created.

It was like the child in your arms, smiling at you, and your only response was to laugh with it.

>I'm sorry Lord, I was caught up in the moment.

I know that for every moment of joy, it has been a contrast between what was lost and what was gained.

You want to wind the clock back to before children, to be before the loss of the child, to the time of joy, to the overseas trip, to the place of joy after joy, delight after delight, so many moments of great delight.

And now I know what you are seeing...

The beautiful flower, sprouting forth amidst the ruins of that which was.

I know what you are thinking, from your analysis, the picture is 99% of loss and darkness and ruin and brokenness, and 1% beauty.

And yet you know what I am going to say...

It is a matter of focus.

Just like a picture of you sitting on the beach at Byron Bay, sitting in the place of brokenness, of loss, and that which was so beautiful caught your eye.

In that moment she caught my attention, and nothing else mattered, and everything changed.

Her smile, her laughter lights up my world, her tears pound on my soul, like a mallet to my chest until I can barely breathe.

Yet what if you are what the story is all about, what if you are the beauty for her ashes?

It is hard for me to comprehend such a thing, for her beauty, who she is, shines like a beacon, that I feel like I'm holding up a small candle by comparison.

And yet I have chosen you to lead.

You know what the young man said of you. He knew nothing of you, and yet had to come running over and tell you all that I had told him about you. From a similar background it was like speaking with your young self. But what did he say about you?

I see you like a beacon on a hill, shining so brightly that everyone around is drawn to you.

Did his actions not reflect this?

What is it you see now?

A picture of me, wearing a patchwork of clothing, and then the camera zooming in on the various parts. The close up of the suit shows me as a businessman, the close up of the sackcloth shows me as a man who has lost something that really mattered to him, the close up of the flowers on the lapel, shows me as one who is married, the close up of the torn garment shows me as one who has fought many battles, the close up of the wounds shows someone who has been wounded.

And all these parts reflect who you are.

For so many know one part, know you in one part, and who really knows the whole you?

Only you Lord.

And yet I have chosen you to lead, to be the King of these kings and queens.

In this new era.

In the time of your appointment.

In the time of absence of restraint.

In the time of the out of the box thinking.

Who better to represent me?

It is time to be all that I have called you to be.

It is the time of glory.

It is the time of the revelation of glory.

It is time to be all that you are, and yet all that you are becoming.

For the manifestation of the glory is here.

You shall be the fuel to their flame.

You shall restore their passion.

You shall lead them out.

You shall take them from darkness into the light.

You will once again hear the voice of gladness.

It will be the sound of your own voice, echoing in your ears.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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