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New Beginnings

Let’s start over.

Let’s go back to the start.

Taken back.

Taken back.

Taken back.

I’m taking back.

You shall be taken back.

I’m taking you back.

And what is this place I am taking you to?

A place called “I shall not want”.

The place where you shall not want.

The place of no lack.

(God dragging a sack full of that was stolen. The plunder of the enemy)

The place of the green pasture.

The place where I shall restore.

The place of no shadow.

The place of goodness.

For I am your shepherd.

The place of endless flow. The place of high lights. Lights raised high. High places. Elevation.

Elevated places. The high place. The over sight. The oversight.

See over. Look over. Gaze upon

Pull out the highlights. See only the highlights. Look beyond the valley the high place. Take the high ground. Be lift high. Lord it over them.

Place my lordship over them.

Place my goodness over them.

For my glory shines upon you, upon the land.

See the edges bathed in the light of my glory.

I’m multiplying, not adding, I’m spreading that which is small over that which is large.

Look closely. Between my thumb and finger I squeeze the drop as it falls. It sprays all around. A torrent of my goodness.

Bathe in it be refreshed by it.

What I have I said?

For I have given you the cup of overflow.

Never ending flow.

What was it you saw this morning?

An overflowing cup in your hand!

A huge deposit in your container!

More than fullness, more than enough, more than chosen, my anointed!

Like a tornado, I have placed the power to stir things up, in your hand.

The power to part the way, the power to make a way, the power to break through. To craft a path, where there was none. The power to clear the path, to remove the obstacles.

You try to shake it off, but the shaking causes the enemy to shake. The trembling in your arm causes the enemy to tremble, the wall to fall.

I’m stirring things up, stir it up, mix it up. Experiment, a dash of this, a splash of that, craft a new mix.

Lift up your sword, raise it high above your head.

Look with intent upon your enemy, stare him in the eyes.

Gaze upon him with the eyes of victory.

Watch him, step back, cringe before you. Stagger back, hear the shout “fall back, fallback, we are overrun”.

Say charge! Declare an advance, for you shall advance.

Lift up your hand and point your finger, yes point your finger.

For I am giving you a new level of authority. You shall be called teacher, master. For you shall instruct many in the way they should go.

Point the finger, bring to attention, direct the focus. Point them to what they shall regard. New levels, take up your position!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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