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New Arrival

The new has arrived.

Behold the new has arrived.

Welcome to the new.

I know it was unexpected.

I know you were not expecting it.

I see the look on your face when it arrives.

Your eyes squeezed shut so tightly.

Your arms shielding your face from the intensity of the light.

For you have lived so long in the darkness, it will take a while for your eyes to adjust.

Like a beacon it shines before you.

Like a touch shining directly into your eyes.

Your natural reaction is to say “IT IS TOO BRIGHT!”

You want me to switch it off, as the discomfort of the new is so overwhelming.

It is time to come out.

It is time to come out.

It is time to come out into the light.

It is time to shine with the brightness of the sun.

For the one who possesses light must reveal that light.

For it breaks forth before you.

For it reveals itself to you now.

For its presence brings forth revelation.

For who can see what is before them in the darkness?

For I am putting the brightness of my glory on display.

For try as you might to close the curtains, there is no blocking out the light I have placed within you.

For you shall be source of light to them.

For the time of your alignment has come.

The time where everything will line up, will get into line, will come into order has come.

For when you have seen what you have never seen before, everything changes.

For when you have felt what you have never felt before everything changes.

For what I have given you is transformative.

Behold the new arrives.

Behold the new arrival.

Behold the arrival of the new.

For I am bringing this plane into land.

For it will arrive on time, in time, for a time, for a time of the times.

Behold it arrives.

Behold it is here.


Be and hold.

Be still and know.

Be and hold.

Be and take hold.

Be and embrace.

Be embracing of.

Take hold of that which I have given you.

Repeat after me “for we are proud to announce the birth of”

“For we do not know that which lies ahead, but we are excited to receive this new arrival”

For it announces the glory which is to come.

For the one who had no desire for children, shall become the father of many.

For you have invested so much time and effort into the ones born from the womb of your beloved.

Do you not see the glory of it all?

Do you not feel the glory of it all?

I feel the loss of the depths of the connection we have had, yet I see the sparkling of the glory of your goodness bestowed upon them.

For this is no surprise to me, yet it stands in start contrast to all that you see around you.

For I literally placed my goodness in your seed, and now you see the glory manifest.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

You see no reason to celebrate the birth of your business.

You see it as a grind, as a vehicle of great loss, of little gain, as a journey without end, and an endless source of frustration, a pit of despair, the miry clay that produces no progress.

Yet you know this is not the truth.

Yet you know this is not the truth.

It has been a vehicle of transformation, an accelerant on the fire of my glory.

You have seen it as a means to an end for your children, and hoped it would be a vehicle of blessing for so many.

Yet I forced you into it.

Yet I gave you no choice but to take the deals that you never wanted, and to build solutions that would not solve anything.

Yet the one that remains serves only to bring forth growth.

Yet it is insufficient to sustain us Lord.

Can you not see it now?

You have given me what I did not want in order for a greater glory to be displayed!


For I gave you a means to an end.

Now I give you an end to a means.

For when the new arrives.

For when the new arrives.

For when that which is coming arrives.

It is too much to bear Lord. For I dare not write what you just showed me.

Go ahead and make my day - HAHA!

Here let me help you with that!

For when the multitude arrives.

For when the arrivals lounge is full.

For when they all come to see you.

For when the time of your arrival is here.

For when my light shines as a beacon in their darkness, they shall be drawn to it.

For they shall come from afar to see my glory manifest.

It is time to rise and shine.

It is time to awake from the darkness and step into the light.

Isaiah 9:2-4
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the Light shined.
You [O Lord] have multiplied the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before You like the joy in harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil [of battle].
For the yoke of burden, and the staff or rod for [goading] their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor, You have broken as in the day of [Gideon with] Midian.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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