Monuments to Glory
Monuments to Glory
Watch this space.
Ponder this space.
Inhabit this space.
Cohabit this space.
Embody this space.
Make room.
Pressed down to make room.
Expand your thinking.
Push out, stretch out, stretch forth your hand.
Stretch forth your hand.
Reach out your hand.
Put forth your hand.
Extend your hand.
Lift up your hand.
Lift up your hands.
Let the king of glory come in.
For what is your expectation?
What is it you are anticipating?
For you consider the way ahead is blocked?
You believe you have come to an impasse.
Yet this was always my intent.
From the place of captivity.
From the place of bondage.
From the place of enslavement.
From the place of confinement.
From the place where you were always seeking instruction from your master.
From the uncomfortable place.
From the place of lack.
I’m holding a coming out party.
Yes a coming out party.
For I am leading you out.
Come out.
Be loosed.
Be released for I have released you.
For you have anticipated the departure, you were there for the departure, yet you have not anticipated the parting.
Am I not the one who makes way?
Am I not the one who gives way?
Am I not the one attending to the crossing?
Am I not the one who stands in the gap whilst you cross over?
So here you find yourself at the dead end, at the impasse.
Yet you already know what my answer to your question.
Stop crying out to me and move forward.
Was this not the subject your your discourse?
Moving forward.
Yes that is what you called it.
Now prophesy it.
Now expect it.
For I will meet you on the other side.
For I am with you in the midst.
I am before you, I am behind you, I am waiting for you.
With arms wide open, sing come to me. For I am your anchor in the wind and the waves, for I am your steadfast so don’t be afraid…I am with you wherever you go…
Yet I see your challenge.
To decree and declare, or to just move forward.
For Moses just moved forward, yet Joshua made a decree, declared how it was going to be before it happened.
One was the deliverer, the other the possessor.
Yet you shall be both the deliverer and possessor.
I have called you out.
Come out.
Come out wherever you are.
For you can no longer stay behind the line.
You must cross the line.
Yes cross the line.
Step over the line.
For there is no boundary that I have set before you that I have not extended before you.
You know my words.
Micah 7:11 In the day that your walls are to be built [a day for building], in that day shall the boundary [of Israel] be far extended and the decree [against her] be far removed.
For I am extending your scope.
For I am expanding your territory.
For I have appointed you for this time.
For you are wrestling again with yourself.
You keep asking yourself for advice.
Caught between what was before and what is to come.
Recalling the past moments of glory, and the current moments of defeat.
For I know you have mixed feelings about this.
The glorious moments, the award winning moments, monuments to a glorious past.
A past life.
A former life.
A life from which you locked it up and threw away the key.
It was your Egypt a time of great glory, and of great disappointment.
For your enemy disappointed you, robbed you of your appointment, snatched you from your intended position.
Yet you hold on to those moments, those mementos, awards that you don’t ever speak about.
For you always want to look forward and never look back, “no regrets” you declare to yourself.
Yet I have taken you back.
Yet you have been taken a back.
Yet you have been taken back.
Did I not say you shall be staggered?
Did I not say all will be staggered?
You want to bury the treasure with all the refuse and rubbish, yet I will not allow this.
Yet I will not allow this!
For the latter glory shall be so much more than the former glory!
You remember it now, all the times your enemy declared to you it was impossible. Sneering and jeering at you, wanting to block your path, wanting to stop you before you got started!
Saying unto you…
It is impossible to put together a costing model for the bank. It is impossible to track sales as we can’t afford a system. It is impossible for us to tender effectively as we don’t have a system. It is impossible for us to win this business as our competitor has had the relationship for 40years and we don’t have a branch on the campus. It is impossible for us to connect to local banks as they have no reason to consider us. You will never be able to win the business of this bank.
Yet your awards declare, stand as a monument to your successes.
You know that nothing is impossible for me.
In fact you love to pursue that which is impossible, for by your hand, resting in my hand we have accomplished great things.
Like then I will open the door for you.
I have invited you in.
I say unto them “He is with me”
I believe in you, you are the God of miracles
There are so many layers going on here…
I am pealing back the layers.
For it shall not be as it was before.
You look back on the old dusty monuments, but now see the golden ones I have laid before you.
The sword of the Lord and of M…..
For you know and have always known the power I have placed within you and before you.
The moments you remember the most I love too…
The regional manager saying to you after a 2hour marathon session with a roomful of Australia’s leading academics. “That was excellent, the only thing I would say is try not to lean on the pole whilst you are speaking”.
You and I laughed so hard over that as you had only a few hours sleep because you were preparing his slides.
The head of acquiring for your old bank, saying to you “you are only here because of your relationship with one of our clients”
Did I not give you so much favour?
Are you not so much more powerful than you let on?
You are like an old warrior, wearing sackcloth and ashes, lying in the pit of despair.
Yet I am calling you out.
“The King has need of you Mephibosheth”
Yet I will restore your beauty.
Yet I will lift you up.
Yet I will bring you forth.
Yet I will restore unto you the years the locust has eaten.
Now take up your position.
Rise again.
Be lifted up.
Take up your position.
For what is before you is so much more than what was behind you.
Repeat after me “it shall be glorious.”