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A new impression.

A fresh impression.

A new template.

A new imprint.

A new currency.

A fresh currency.

A new flow.

A new current.

A new stream.

Creating the means to connect.

New connections.

New community.

For I will cause the barren land to flourish.

I will cause a reversal.

For when the fullness dried up, the lack was revealed.

Yet that which grows beneath, is not that which grows above.

For the seaweed does not grow on the dry land.

You consider lack to be the end.

For you consider a place where my fullness runs out.

You think “how will anything grow in this sand?”

Yet you have seen the greenest pasture in the middle of the desert.

How can this be?

For I bring the riches of the Dead Sea to the place that is barren.

That blows my mind Lord!

For what you consider “dead”, I consider it “awaiting transformation.”

For what do you see now?

The sandy place, the dry place, the valley of death. Then the trickle of your living water flowing upon it. Carrying the ingredients necessary for life, bringing the things that the ground lacked, in order to make it fertile.

For I intend to bring forth a reversal.

For my fullness shall overtake any lack.

Proclaim unto the barren place, proclaim into the dry place, speak into the dead place, write upon the painful place “HEALED!”

Speak life, and you shall have life.

Speak hope and hope shall rest upon you.

Speak joy as you laugh.

Smile with great affection.

Cry the tears of joy!

Hold on to the moment of glory.

Embrace joy!

Wear kindness as a garment.

Put on the technicolour coat!

Wear the coat of distinction.

For you don’t need the designer label, when that which you wear was designed by me.

You say “stand up in pain.”

I say “arise in power!”

You say “curl up in a fetal position”

I say “come out of the cocoon!”

You say “It hurts to breathe.”

I say “am I not your breath?”

You see the rocky path ahead and declare “no way!”

I see the paved path ahead and say “of course!”

You look at the rocky path and ask yourself “where do I put my feet!”

I look at the rocky path and see how the enemy has paved a way for you.

Picture this!

The stream flowing over the rocky path.

Now do you see?

Now do you perceive it!

Now do you see the path?

Yes Lord for without your flow, I see no purpose to the path. Yet with your flow I see the rocks as steps to make our way across. Clearly your way is beyond words!

Thank you for currency, for favour, for connection, for strength to take another step!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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