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I hope you don’t mind.

What is your state of mind?

Have you lost your mind?

Do you mind?

What are your thoughts?

What’s the answer?

What’s the question?

What’s on your mind?

Please explain the next step!

Can you map it out for me?

Can you spell it for me?

Have you considered this?

Have you considered that?

What is your point?

Who is your ideal customer?

Why have you built this?

For what purpose can this be used for?

For when the object is submerged, on the one who holds it has any idea of its shape.

Does anyone know how the unborn child will look or for what purpose I fashioned him?

Would you rather plan or prophesy it?

For I only want to talk about that which you don’t see.

Is this not my instrument of harvest?

Is this not the unique fruit we have spoken about for so long.

Made of transparent glass like a marble.

Solid yet organic.

Contained but expansive.

Bounded yet unrestricted.

Clear but revealing my fire.

Layered but one piece.

Like an onion but their shall be no tears in the pealing of it.

Simple but profoundly complex.


A stone fruit but yet without the pit.

A core of fire.

Made of the fiery flow.

Like a centre of your fire, wrapped and clothed in her water.

Such a rush.

Made with passionate fire.

I get excited just talking about it.

But how can I explain this to anyone? What does it mean!

Yes that is the word.

For it is a means to a better end.

Drizzled in the flow.

Born from the flow.

An organic mechanism.

One piece connected to another.

I will impress upon you the words to write.

I’ll dictate the way forward.

Just like Jeremiah I’ll tell you what to write.

For it shall not be as before.

Don’t worry about where your mind has gone. Don’t go looking for it.

Here just have mine.

I’ll give you my thoughts.

I’ll speak my words using your lips.

I’ll tell you want to wear.

For I have just been playing with you.

You can so easily recall all the times that you asked me to show up and I gave you all the words to say.

Was it not magnificent?

Was it not such a brazen display of my power.

For you sat in the room with your adversary only for the one in authority over him to agree with you.

It was such a laugh when he spoke of triumph it obtaining “God rights”. I was laughing so hard!

But I had given these rights to you and you alone.

In a moment his power was gone. Vanished without a trace. In fact, moments later he was lost for words.

You need to understand when I give you the victory there is no more argument, no more fighting, no more fear, only a smooth path from here.

Yet I can see it on your face, I can feel it in your bones, describe it for me?

I feel thrust out into the open.

What is it you see?

The door of the vault, that was attacked and dented in by the enemy, is now open outwards. And I find myself out in the open.

Did I not say that the enemy you once saw, will be no longer before your eyes?

Yes I can feel it, I can see it. But I am so used to pushing against the boundary I’m struggling with the concept of no boundary.

It’s like you are trying to find the closed door, but I have removed them all, and broken the lock on the vault from which you came.

Have I not made it so easy for you?

Yes today all those I wanted to speak to just came and found me. And those who were new had just interesting stories to tell.

But what else did they have to say in parting?

I saw the way you drove up here and how you didn’t need to use the brakes. Have you been professionally taught as you are a good driver? You’d love a track day.

And was this comment not from a racing car driver!

You can feel it now.

For I am breaking the chains of shyness.

For all those times you were rejected I am giving you special favour.

For you can see it again now...

Ripping off the sackcloth only to find the super suit underneath.

For I know the plans I have had for you since the very beginning.

You are breaking out of the old, for I am rebirthing you again.

Push through the membrane, tear open the veil. For I will give you clarity. For you have the eyes of Elisha.

Start to prophesy again.

For I will tell you what to say and do.

For what lies ahead will be restorative for so many including you.

Like the ointment of joy lavishly applied to an old wound.

For I am removing your battle scars. Only victories from here.

Be a rampant triumphfulest. For you shall utterly dominate all who stand against you.

For it shall be like you are barely trying before they are worn out before you.

Receive my courage now.

Receive my strength now.

For I shall not be unto you as I was before.

For your maker shall be your multiplier. For the children of the barren one shall be vast and beyond all measure.

What you are stepping into is going to blow your mind.

Fear not for you have mine.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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