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In absentia.

In your absence.

In the place of absence I am present.

In the place of greatest loss I am your gain.

Whenever you mark the roll I am present, I am here, I AM is here.

I’ve put my hand up for this one.

Count me as present.

Tick the box that says I am here.

Is that not all that matters?

No matter who else is present, I am present.

What will be your focus, who is present or who is absent?

You have lost count.

You have lost count of all the losses.

You hate to go back.

You loathe going back over.

You detest that which was past.

You hate to drag up what was said, what was agreed, what was manifest.

For you know how to score points.

You know how to win the argument.

You have recorded everything in your book.

You have prepared your defence, and are ready at all times to take a stand, to take the stand.

Yet with all that is within you, you detest this place.

For all the battles of before rise up before you.

Like being surrounded by the giants, surrounded by the Philistines.

You woke with these words echoing in your ears….

The Philistines are coming, the Philistines are coming.

For you have prepared a strong defence, you have prepared a mighty fortress, and a battering ram to break through any barrier.

Yet all you feel are the losses, the absence of what once was.

The absence of the past.

For in every victory, there was a great defeat.

In victorious place, upon the podium, where greatness was awarded, all you felt was pain.

It’s like you were dressed for success, and by all appearances the one who had it all together, but on the inside all you felt was the cost, the loss, all that was lost.

You know.

You have knowledge.

You know who.

You felt the cutting.

The cutting away.

The cutting off.

The absolute slaughter of the enemy.

Bathed in their own blood.

The look of horror on their faces as they met their demise.

Time after time.

Time after time.

All the time.

Every time.

Someone tells you how hard it will be.

Someone tries to convince you that it is impossible.

Like a noose around your neck they tighten it.

Then they want to drag you into the town square.

The one who was the Lord’s champion, mocking you before the people.

Yet you know.

Now you know.

For you and I both know, what happens next.

Utter devastation! Annihilation! A complete wrecking! A demolition!

For that which comes against you, comes against me!

Like a wrecking ball.

For I can see it in your eyes.

You can see it in mine.

The glint, the twinkle, the knowing, the signal to release, the power to release, the power to utterly devastate.

For the one outnumbers the many.

The one shall chase the many.

This is not a fair fight.

They should have not messed with you.

You see it again now don’t you!

A vision of a huge army encamped around me on all sides in a perfect circle. Chains upon me of every side, the tension rising, the fear rising upon their faces, for they know that I cannot be contained. I might make a scene tonight, I might come unraveled, I gotta get undignified, breaking off these shackles, I’ve got to let it wild, be just like a child and say I love you Lord…

For it is your destiny.

For it is your destiny to be uncontained.

It is your destiny to burst forth, to break every chain, to accomplish what was considered impossible.

Time upon time.

Time after time.

The time of the times.

The time of greatness.

The time where I will wreak havoc upon your enemy.

For you know how I roll.

I am not intimidated.

For I will cause your enemy to take a step back.

You see it now don’t you!

I see the smile forming upon your face.

Your enemy sees it and trembles in fear. The biggest giant taking a step back, for they all know what happens next!

Count it all joy when you suffer.

You want to count the scars from the battle.

You want to reflect on the places where you hurt, where you were caused the greatest pain, but reflect on this….

Reflect my joy, reflect upon my joy, for I am smiling at you, I am smiling with you.

What is to come is so much more that you would ever expect or imagine.

For your enemy has set an ambush for himself.

Now is the time to speak all that I have commanded you to say, and do not be dismayed before their faces, lest I permit you to be overcome.

For you are appointed to overcome, to be an over comer, to breach the boundary lines of your enemy, to take ground, to be a one man army, a mighty warrior.

For I will cause a rout.

A making of a way through that which seems impassible, that which appears impossible.

For this is not my first rodeo!

Now is the time to gird your sword upon your side, and ride out triumphantly in a spirit of humility and truth.

For your victory is assured, your destiny is set.

It is time for a demonstration!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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