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Merry Go Round

Can I not just get off this merry go round!

Why not be merry as you go around?

Round and round we go, circling the enemy.

For he does not know that we have him surrounded!

Many years ago you used to love merry go rounds.

Round and round you went with this beaming smile of joy upon your face.

Faster and faster you went, you loved the feeling of movement, of speed, what a rush!

Why so frustrated now by the same experience?

I’m tired of the same old, same old, the expectation of payment, and the continual follow-up. Why can’t people just honour their commitments?

You expect the same old, same old, when what I have for you is the same new. The same but new.

New patterns, new mindsets, new experiences, new joy.

For you love the merry go round. You called out to your mother, over and over again, just one more spin, just one more turn.

Was this not the same experience? You did not care that it was just another spin, for you loved the rush, the sense of speed, the joy of the moment.

Each round, there was more joy, more fun, more of more, more and more, for your soul loves the wind in your hair.

Am I not moving in your experience?

Am I not enough?

Am I not the wind that blows in your life, flooding your experience?

Just be still and know, be calm despite the circumstance.

What is your focus, what is your posture, what is your mind set upon?

You cannot get this picture out of your mind.

The Sun setting upon the calm water, the beauty of the landscape, the wonder of it call.

Then the sprinkle of the water upon the surface, the disturbance of the water, the calm, undisturbed, the setting one of beautiful calm.

Yet you are agitated by the disturbance, focused on the disturbance.

Yet it is just a gentle sprinkle, you consider it a giant storm.

Just receive my stillness, I am still ness, I am your stillness, I am still here, I am your constant, I am your rock, I am your peace, I am your joy, I am your supply, I am faithful, I am confident, I am your joy.

Just ask me for one more turn, one more out pouring of joy.

Just feel the mist upon your face, the gentle sprinkle of my joy.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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