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Meeting with Power

Are you here for a meeting?

For it is not as it seems…

It seems that you are here alone.

Alone with yourself.

In isolation.

Sitting in the corner, pondering what to do…

And this is where you find yourself.

Sitting in the midst of an important meeting.

The old men pontificating about all very serious and important matters.

You feel out of place, yet in the right place.

For the language they speak is not your language.

The tone, their manner is not your tone or manner.

Their manner is of no matter to you.

Their words mean very little as they sit and posture themselves and manifest themselves.

Yet you shall manifest me.

I will put my words upon your lips.

I have put my power in your hands.

For the anointed one, needs no other qualification.

Yet I feel so restrained, so constrained, so ill equipped, like the mighty warrior who has become old and tired, bruised and battered. The only thing left that is strong is my will. For wherever you take me I will go. Yet I might need to be carried there.

What is it you now remember?

The stage is set, you shall find yourself upon the stage. The stage coach, the coach that moves, faster and faster the horses go, the bumpier and bumpier the ride gets. I am struggling to hold on to the reins. And then you hand is upon mine, holding the reins. I what you to say “halt”, to pull back the reins, to just stop. But rather you say “giddy up”.

Have I not given you the horsepower?

But I have no strength to even sit here, to sit is such an effort, to think is so much more that is possible for me.

So how was it for Moses?

Can we not just stop at this point in the story? Where he was alone in the desert, talking with you and the burning bush. For I don’t want to go back.

For I love the warmth of your presence, the communion with you, but we are one in purpose.

You feel it now, the blending of the fire and water, the strength of my resolve, the support and strength of my hand that holds you.

For you wonder how you will perform, you wonder if you are able to be the person that you once was. The strong one, the one with boundless energy, the one who worked and slept, the one who was awarded, the one who was supported, the one who always spoke with such confidence.

Yet there is so much more, more and more, over and over, more and more, over and over, over and above, above and beyond, multiplied multiples.

For I have given you divine strength, that no hostile power can overcome.

For who can oppose my plan.

For it is in the returning, the taking back of the turn, the place of the turning, the place of the turnaround, the place of fire, the outpouring of fire.

The breaking of containing, the burning of all limitation, the breaking of the walls of defeat and doubt. For I am on your side. I will contend with all who contend with you. For the weak one shall become the strongest one.

It is the one with ruddy complexion, with no apparent skills or qualifications that will become my champion.

For who compares the qualifications of the king with his advisor?

Who is the one who commands attention?

Who is the one who issues the decree?

Who is subject to the other?

For there is no comparison.

For upon your lips I have placed my authority.

Upon your words I have placed my seal.

Watch and see, the manifestation of majesty.

For he who was once a prince of Egypt is now my appointed deliverer.

For who has a higher position, the prince or the one chosen by God to represent him?

Yes I know what you are thinking.

I know what you are wrestling with.

For you wrestle with your worthiness, in your flesh you see all the awards, you reflect upon all your achievements, you contend that you are more than qualified and were so passionate with your opponent about your capabilities.

Yet after the departure you feel the loss, you feel off balance, you feel inadequate, unworthy and lacking in all the things you once possessed.

I know that you know that this was the work of my hands. All your accomplishments were achieved by faith, by putting yourself forward and expecting me to move. Time after time we accomplished great things together.

There was such a fight to give your gift, and a momentous task to deliver it. But when unwrapped it was firmly rejected as not fit for purpose. For they would not listen to you, even though they chose you because you understood their business more than they did. Who has ever heard of a 7.5hr interview! Yet when you were hired they would not listen to you, or value your opinion or accept your recommendations.

For you had the power to break through, but now I have given you the power to build.

For you know what that means.

The rebuilder of ancient ruins.

The builder of the wall.

The community builder.

For the contention is over the building.

You know what this means.

The enemy will pay tribute, is concerned about paying tribute. Is afraid of what the new building means for him.

You are concerned that you cannot be who you once were.

Yet in what way did Moses use his skills and knowledge to effect my purpose?

For I put my handiwork in his hands. The broken stick, a walking stick for an old man. So he could lean upon it at every step.

In the presence of his weakness, I was strong. The inconspicuous thing, the old broken stick became his strength, became my instrument of deliverance.

For that which was provided to support his frailty became my instrument of power and strength and might and deliverance. A sceptre of power by which the Pharaoh was defeated.

For I have given you a big stick, an instrument of power.

For now who needs human strength when you have divine strength that no hostile power can overcome?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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