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Measuring Up

What is your unit of measure?

What is your scale?

How do you determine progress?

How are you progressing?

What does growth look like for you?

You measure the height, I measure the potential.

You measure the performance, I treasure the impact.

Can my glory be measured?

Can you capture the rays of sunlight?

Does your hand reach to the heavens?

What is your guide?

Who is your ruler?

How do you measure up? Better still how do you measure “up”.

What is your point of comparison? What is your point, in comparison.

Whom do you compare with?

Can you find any reference, any comparison that I have made?

Consider the lilies of the field, if I care for these, how much more shall I care for you? He who are seen me, has seen the Father.

Am I not beyond compare? Are you not beyond comparison.

Are you not fashioned in my image?

Why are you downcast oh my soul, I will yet praise Him!

For you are downcast, for you have cast yourself down.

For I have not cast you down.

Be lifted up, say “there is a lifting up.”

Job 22:28-30 You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light of God’s favor shall shine upon your ways. When they make you low, you will say, There is a lifting up; and the humble person He lifts up and saves. He will even deliver the one for whom you intercede who is not innocent; yes, he will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands.

I am shining upon your way.

I am establishing this for you.

What you decide shall be established.

What you decree shall be established.

For what I have given you is beyond measure, cannot be measured, more than measures up, will lift you up as you measure it. I that which I has established is over your head, requires you to lift up your head.

Here is my decree… A turning back of the enemy, that the enemy shall turn their backs on us. That we shall trample our enemy underfoot. That we shall stand upon the backs of our enemy. That our enemy shall cause us to be elevated. That our enemy shall prepare the ground for us. That, that which can against us shall be beneath us. That all that came against us shall be under arrest, so that we shall rest. That you will lead us beside the stillness. That your stillness will invade all that agitates us. That are great calm shall come across the land. That you shall be the mist in our midst. That there will be peace in all our relationships, that all will say ahhhh! That the ground will be fertile, more than we ever imagined, that as we drop the seed, it will blossom and flourish so quickly that it will be ready for harvest in an instant. That you will bring the foreign kings to pay us tribute, that you will bring the resources to bear on the harvest. That the fruit that is borne, will be glorious, for your glory, shall shine glittering above your head. That you will slay all those who come against us, that you will cut out the tongue of all those who speak against us, that you will render them without speech. That you will raise up advocates for us, that you will amplify and magnify their influence. That you will cause us to inhabit your place of habitation. That our next move will be to your palace. That you will bring to pass all that you have promised. That you will clear the decks, that you will clear the debts, that you will give us time, and power to rest and be refreshed. That our place will be the happening place, the place where literal miracles happen, that people who come will be shocked and amazed by your presence and your power. That you will elevate us to new levels of authority, power and influence, that those in our sphere of influence will take our word as gospel, without question. That our resources, our influence, our gift will be unlimited, without measure and can be given without restraint. That our children will have a great inheritance, and authority, and positions higher than they expect, beyond measure. That our children will find their armour-bearer, one who challenges them, spurs them on to great love and extraordinary works. That the queen will burst forth with great joy, and thrive and blossom, and say to herself, “you are loved beyond measure”, to bring breakthrough on the right and on the left. That our yoke will be easy and our burden shall be light. That you shall restore the years the locust has eaten. That the blessing of the latter days shall far exceed the former days. Thank you for your favour and blessing and most of all your presence.

It shall be established for you.

The light of my favour shall shine upon your ways.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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