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I am giving you new material.

A new texture to your life.

A new fabric to your being.

A new covering for your journey.

A new feeling to that which matters.

Something that you have not felt before.

A new discernment, a new revelation.

A new belonging.

A new material that belongs to you.

A new thing to wear.

Something that echoes the past, yet holds your hand as you walk towards the future.

Something to put on, without the pressure to perform.

Something unique.

Something you desired from long ago, yet more than you expected.

It took you by surprise.

It caught you off guard.

When the proclamation was made, it was like a cymbal had been struck, a gong had been hit, a victory had been claimed for a battle you did not expect to fight.

Such an act of kindness.

Beyond your ability to comprehend.

Way beyond your means to apprehend.

More precious than you expected.

More impacting that you expected.

Your eyes still well up at the thought of it.

Yet there it is upon your wrist.

A wrap around.

A gesture of such kindness, a gift of another kind, from the one you call “precious”.

For you it was like she just knew what mattered to you, indeed it was a statement that you will engrave upon your heart forever “you matter.”

Such beauty for ashes.

When all hope was lost, when you were so rejected by the ones you love, and invited to take the crumbs from the category they chose for you, and told to take a picture to ensure these items “remained in the family”.

My love showed the way.

My goodness showed up.

The gracious one, the precious one, your beloved treasure, the one who lights up your way, the beacon of hope I have placed in your hand, revealed the way.

For she is of a different kind, unlike anything before or since.

In her I have placed my glory.

In her I have manifested my beauty.

For in the midst of the great loss, she was the one standing beside you.

Showing such grace, manifesting such grace.

Without saying a word, she said all I wanted her to say.

It was her presence, that was such a present to you.

My gift stood in the midst.

My glory shone in the midst of despair.

My beauty showed up in the devastation, in the ashes.

For she represents a different kind, another kind of kindness.

For she is no “show pony”, she is not one of those “look at me” kind of girls.

She seeks no glory for herself, and yet in her I have placed all my glory!

For she is a true reflection of all that matters to me.

For my beauty sits in the ashes and smiles.

How can this be?

For she does not look at what was lost, only what has been gained.

For what is material to her, is material to me.

What is considered immaterial to others, is so material to me.

She had no interest in knowing the value of the gift, for the price was immaterial, yet the value immense.

I have no words to describe how I feel, it has been so hard to speak of it without falling apart. A precious gift from the one who is so precious to me.

I am just getting started.

For the journey ahead shall be so unlike that which has gone before.

For this gift has such hidden meaning to you.

It is an echo of the first gift I remember receiving from my parents.

It harkens back to that which was, it pulls at the depths of your soul.

In a moment you feel such loss of what was.

Yet in a moment you feel elevated to the highest place, by the one that matters most to you.

A unique gift.

What is it you see right now?

The old hand of the one I loved, taking the hand of my beloved and passing my hand from that which was to the love that remains.

For behold the winter is over and gone….

And the springtime has come, the birds singing a song of life, announcing the glory of the life to come.

This is but a sign of the things to come.

A symbol of my love that wraps around you, that holds your hand, that is with you wherever you go.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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