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So close and yet so far.

So far and yet so close.


Disrupted, but not interrupted.

I am disrupting interruption.

What was once veiled is now on display.

For I am revealing myself.

I am out in the open.

I am not self isolating.

I lay before you the wide open space.

Psalms 18:19 He brought me forth also into a large place; He was delivering me because He was pleased with me and delighted in me.

You see it now don’t you.

From the thick of it, from the thicket, into the wide open space.

Break free from the perimeter.

Cross the line.

It is time to soar.

For I have given you the power to soar.

Be lifted up, for I am lifting you up.

From the place of entanglement.

From the hemmed in place.

From the place of obstruction.

From the place of the obstructed view.

From the place where you see no way around.

There is no way around, yet there is a way over, there is an overpass.

For you shall pass over.

From the place of discomfort, to the reign of the comforter.

Take my blanket.

Receive my blanket cover.

Allow not yourself to be without comfort.

For it is I.

Behold it is I.

I am here.

My hand is outstretched towards you.

My hand rests upon you.

Just like the laying of your hand upon your beloved, my hand rests upon you.

Can you not feel it?

My kiss is upon your lips.

It is I that holds you close.

For I know how you feel.

First the kiss.

Receive my kiss.

For I want you to feel my love up close and personal, face to face. My face to your face, my eyes looking into your eyes, my thoughts becoming your thoughts, feel the warmth of my embrace.

For I know your heart.

I know what makes you tick.

I know what you miss the most.

I know what you long for.

I feel the tension rising.

I feel your pain.

I feel the intensity.

Upon the brink, upon the edge, upon the point of breaking, upon the point.

Over the edge, crossing the line, beyond the point, beyond the breaking point.

I know where you are at.

Yet it shall not be as before.

Yet it shall not be as before.

Yet it shall not be as before.

Yet it shall not be as before.

Like the errant student, writing out his lines, write this again. Right this again.

Yet it shall not be as before.

Yet it shall not be as before.

Exodus 34:10 And the Lord said, Behold, I lay down [afresh the terms of the mutual agreement between Israel and Me] a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels (wonders, miracles) such as have not been wrought or created in all the earth or in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord; for it is a terrible thing [fearful and full of awe] that I will do with you.

Before I was.

Before I am.

The correct tense doesn’t apply to me. I am not grammatically correct.

I am both before and after.

For it is I that enables you to make progress on the dangerous heights.

Yet it is I that also places you in the wide open space.

What is more uncomfortable for you?

The wide open space. For I feel so exposed. I have no frame of reference.

Why is it you rely so much on the circumstance, the landscape, to define your direction?

For I am so use to responding to another’s direction, that I have lost my own sense of direction.

I know it is uncomfortable for you to walk upon the water, yet you must respond to my call.

Open your eyes, open your ears, see my face, hear my voice.

What is your position?

I know you feel out of position, but that is not what I asked. I did not say how do you feel about your position?

I did not say what determines your position?

Are you in or are you out?

That has been a regular question for you these past few weeks.

I know when you are in you would rather be out, and when you are in you would rather be out.

You want the converse position, and you don’t want to converse about it.

You want to rail against the limitations, yet won’t write the book on freedom.

You feel buffeted by the wave upon wave. Yet did I not say, “say goodbye to the waves”

Yet you seem to be saying “hello” to the waves, wave upon wave, bracing yourself for yet another wave.

Yet and yet.

Yet and yet.

Yet and yet.

I say yet.

Yet I say yet again.

Yet you shall walk upon the water, you shall walk upon that which comes against you.

Progress is my declaration.

I declare my name, when I come in.

I announce myself.

I am not concerned about the display.

I am not checking the whether.

I need no forecast, in order to consider my next action.

You sit and ponder the rain, and yet it is I that made the rain. Does it not come from the very heavens above?

Is this not all about perspective.

You sit there and wonder about how you will convince another of my perspective.

Yet I am convinced, I am certain, I need no map to navigate, it is my plan that prevails.

I declare my intent, and it comes into being.

I veil my approach in the storm just to confuse my enemy.

He fools himself into thinking I am weak, yet I possess all strength.

The circumstance has no bearing on my progress.

You want to hold on to the familiar yet I have called you to uncharted waters.

You wrestle with what to wear, the suit, or the cape, to be you, or to be me.

Just allow me, just permit me, just embrace me, just receive my covering.

The skin of a leopard, the strength of a snake, the protection of an elephant, the colour of gold, the technicolor coat.

Put on this garment of praise, instead of a spirit of heaviness.

For what I have for you is beyond your wildest expectation.

Leap for joy.

Run around the wide open space of expansion.

For I have confined you to the place of expansion.

For I have confined you to the place of expansion.

Break forth from all limitation.

For you shall be out of bounds.

Beyond the boundary.

For I have no respect for man made borders.

For I declare the end from the beginning.

The time of the freebie is over.

The time of freedom is here.

The time freedom is here.

A new era of freedom.

The platform that breaks all chains.


Be unrestricted.

Be without restriction.

Abandon all restriction.

Leap beyond the boundary.

For you shall leap ahead of your competitors.

You are free of all entanglement.

It is for freedom that I have set you free.

From the place of confinement shall come great freedom.

For I have shut the mouth of the lion.

For I am in charge, I determine what happens next.

Yet I have also put you in charge.

For the time of the vision is near.

For I choose to put you on display.

I want to show off my handiwork.

**Act without hesitation, for I will not hesitate to decimate your opponent. **

For he declares to himself in advance, he announces to himself in advance, as you advance, “we are ruined”.

For I am birthing something new.

From the place of your confinement, shall come something entirely new.

Something never seen before.

A new creation.

A new beginning.

A beginning without end.

Something of eternal significance.

Let it be as you have declared.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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