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And all shall see from whence you came.

For you shall leave your mark.

In the multiples of more, they shall look for you and see that you were here.

Amidst the uniformity they shall see the presence of your absence.

Amidst the row of the many, many of the same, you shall stand out by your absence.

For I see you trying to blend in. Trying to camouflage yourself. Trying to cover yourself in the darkness. Trying to blend in.

I see you putting wax in your hair. Intertwining the threads. Blending one with another. Looking to alter your appearance. Trying to be something you are not. Painting yourself with one colour and then another.

But you ask of yourself the wrong question. You ask of yourself “how do I fit in?”

Waiting for the moment to leap out and capture your enemy off guard.

But this is how I see you.

Like a burning flame.

Not a shadow of your former self, not someone who stands in the shadows.

For you were born to stand out in a crowd.

For they will know you were here for they will smell the smoke. They will say “what a smokin session that was”. “I am so fired up right now.”

For how does fire blend into the background?

Why ask of yourself “how do I fit in?”

Why not ask of yourself “how do I stand out?”

Am I stirring you up?

Let me say that again!


For my intention is for you to burn.

Burn with such intensity.

Yes that’s it.

The mix of Fire and Water.

The one cannot quench the other.

The one cannot evaporate the other.

The one must cohabit with the other.

The intertwining of Fire and Water.

You see it in the hair.

The weaving of the hair.

The drops moving in the strands of the hair.

The hair only moving in the presence of the water.

For I have given you divine strength. Divine purpose. A divine appointment. A mission to break the bonds of confinement.

To set the captives free.

For this is what it looks like.

The unwrapping. The unnecessary unwrapping.

For what do you find in the instrument of captivity?

What do you find in the wrapping?

Only evidence of that which was present. Only the outline of the shape of that which WAS present. The burnt shape of a man that once was contained.

For this is what freedom looks like.

For this is the shape of freedom.

For this is the shape of what was, and the shape of what is to come.

For you have left the place of confinement.

Evidence of freedom. Evidence of the absence of containment. Evidence of that which was unleashed. Evidence of absence.

Evidence that you were present and have departed by fire, departed with fire.

Evidence of impact.

The shape of impact.

Interlocking. A meshing. A weaving. Same but different. Same yet with a difference. A combining of differences. A mesh of opposites.

“Purpose is to break open”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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