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It’s in the ether.

It’s in the atmosphere.

Flowing in the atmosphere.

Power in the atmosphere.

Purpose in the flow.

Purposeful flow.

Power in the flow.

Glorious power in the flow.

The power in glory of the flow.

The light of the glory of the power in the flow.

The light of the glory of the power in the flow.

Like a light but more than light.

Like a power but more than powerful.

Like an energy but more than energising.

And it flows in the atmosphere.

And there you see it.

On the edge of light.

On the edge of my glory.

Stepping into the glory.

Stepping into the dominion of glory.

And then you grasp hold of it. You hold my glory in your hand.

And it drips from your fingers.

And it flows from your hand, and by your hand.

My handiwork in your hand.

And what defines the edge?

And who defines my edge?

Is it not the breath from my lungs?

Yes Lord I see it now. Your breath flowing over the edge of the sand like a wave of great power, refining it, sharpening it, bringing definition to it.

And yet my glory flows from your hand. It streams from your eyes and you spend time with me.

Yes Lord, I feel so unworthy, and yet I hear your words in my ears “you are worthy because I have made you worthy”

Have I not called you for this time?

Can you not see my power, feel my presence, see my glory?

Yes Lord I literally see your power flowing down the aisles and like a stream flowing down the side of a mountain.

And what seems ethereal to others, is material to you.

For I have called you to manifest.

For I have called you to manifest.

For I have called you to manifest.

To make that which is without definition, take shape, to bring shape to it, to bring substance it, to reveal my power within and without.

Can you not literally feel me?

Yes Lord it is like you invade my world, you are my world, hanging with you is like walking around heaven.


Through you I will manifest that which is hidden.

Through you I will manifest my power.

For you will feel it like no other.

For you will speak with my power and my authority.

For I will cause them to be drawn to you.

Just like they are drawing another breath.

They will feast on all that you and your beloved bring and have and are.

Expect my power to be on display.

For as you have observed.

What I showed you before, what we spoke of before, what you see with my eyes, is now manifest.

For you see the seed sprouting forth, you see the seed becoming fruit before it lands upon the ground.

And it grows before you like an orchard.

Can you not just laugh with me as you see the orchard we spoke of so long ago, literally manifest itself in your back yard!

Fruit multiplied.

Multiplied multiples, more and more, more multiplied, multiples of more. So much more.

And I love the way your ears are opened to my voice.

And your eyes focused on what I am doing.

For you see it now don’t you?

Yes Lord I see a tree of light glowing with your glory, shining brighter and brighter, manifesting your glory.

For I have given you my glory. I have bestowed upon you my glory.

For my glory flows upon you.

Thank you Lord for your flow. The flow of your glory.

For you can see my glory flow over the edge and into the valley below. Bringing life to all that was dead. A vibrant community. Expect a vibrant community. Declare a vibrant community.

For I have called you out from amongst them. I have called you to lead them out.

For they do not know where they are going. They do not know what is coming.

But I have called you to show them the way.

Do not step back, but step forward on to glory.


For I have spoken it and it shall come to pass as I have described it.

And this land shall see the imprint of your hand.

And this land shall experience the impact of your presence. For I have spoken it and it shall come to pass.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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