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How do you regard the cocoon?

A moment of temporary darkness?

A dungeon of despair?

A wrapping up of all that was?

A ever so tightening place of constriction?

A place of claustrophobic closeness?

A place where you cannot breathe?

A place without movement?

A place where everything looks broken?

A place of deconstruction?

A place of dismemberment?

A place without members?

A place of isolation?

A tomb where every thing that matters lies buried?

You act like this is a permanent home, yet this is only temporary.

For this is the time of rest.

This is the time of restoration.

This is the time of transformation.

Better than before.

So much better than before.

You enemy once proclaimed with such joy and excitement the phrase “The creative destruction of M…..”

He desired to bury you, to contain you, to break you, to remould you, to disempower you, to break you apart.

For you remember it so well, the invitation to come north, to present to the entire team your vision for the future. They wanted to see your vision so they could take what they wanted, and to remove from you any means of achieving it. It was like Samson being ridiculed for the power he once had. They had no idea what they were doing, for you and I were so excited to show all that was possible, you spoke with such power and passion, and we both knew what was so possible. For you had the runs on the board, yet they had no place for you on their board.

Yet I am going to rub their nose in it!

I laugh at them.

I mock the work of their hands.

For this is no mock-up, this is the real deal.

For I love how you plan. For your vision is not ordinary.

You talk about what it will be like after.

For you care not for the obstacle, you give no time to limitation.

For to many it appears like a fantasy, but for you and I it is our reality.

I am redefining what is considered normal.

For your enemy came at you one way, but shall leave in 7.

For this is the time of multiplication. For you shall have 7 times what was lost.

7 times the impact.

The impact of 7. Look it up. Research all that I have promised for it shall be so.

For you shall rise again.

Like the unstoppable one who falls, but never falls to get up.

Yet more so, how can you be defeated when I have given you my spirit of victory?

For I will cause you to dominate. Not just a points victory but an utter annihilation of your opponent that all will fear approaching you.

For you will cause your enemy to stand back, to step back, to retreat, to fallback.

For what they considered dead and buried will rise again. Not like before but transformed into a new creature, with power like never before.

Much power, all power, supremely powerful.

For as you speak I will make them listen, I will cause their ears to open, and to be excited for all that you have to say.

More eloquent than before, more authority than before, exponential impact.

For I have broken your shyness, I have broken your shell, for it is time to come out of your shell, come out of your cocoon.

For you are so worried that things will be as they were before, yet you are not who were.

Like Moses I will make you like a God to them.

Whatever you proclaim I will do for you.

You expect to come out bruised and battered from your time of lockdown. But it shall not be so. You expect to barely be able to move, and to crawl, yet I will cause movement like never before.

A small step will result in a giant movement.

A step forwards will result in an upwards movement.

Can the butterfly go back to being the caterpillar?

Can anything stand in the way of my purpose?

For all that I have shown you will come to pass.

Arise my son and shine for it shall be glorious!

For you shall be instrumental in all that I have planned in this season.

For you shall speak all that I have commanded you to say!

For you shall represent me.

For you shall bring transformation. For it shall not be as before, it shall be as you describe it!

Write your manifesto and I will manifest it.

Speak it out. Proclaim it by royal decree. For as it was for Esther so it shall be for you!

Not one of many, but my chosen one.

Look out for the light. Shining like the sun. Standing out in a crowd. Dazzling in brilliance. Beyond all human reason or understanding.

In a moment, in an instant that which was before arises like a beacon across the land, a majestic display, a display of my majesty.

It is time to get dressed for work! It is time to put on the royal robe. It is time to take up your assignment. For my the power vested in me I now proclaim….



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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