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Make up Your Mind.

Make up your mind.

Made up your mind?

Make up your mind.

Make up with your mind.

Apply “make up” to your mind?

The making of the mind?

How is your mind made up?

What is your mind made of?

How do you make up your mind?

Like the making of the bed, what is the foundation, what is it you rest upon?

First the base, then the mattress, then the first sheet, the second sheet, the light blanket, the warm blanket, then the covering.

What are your thoughts based on?

What is the basis of your thinking?

What is your foundational thought?

You are the maker of my mind. The making of the mind, the components of the mind, the basis of thought is a mystery to me.

Yet you can and have made up your mind?

You regard that which you see, you interpret the situation, and then you make up your mind?

What if, what if your sight is distorted, what if your perspective is founded on the wrong angle of view, what if your foundation is unsure, uncertain, unfounded?

You have become so focused on the natural, wave upon wave, issue upon issue, attack upon attack, yet there is another view!

You who once waded in the deep end, way over your head, now struggle to put your toe in.

You squint your spiritual eyes, and widen your natural eyes.

Yet do not your eyes ache, is not the pressure too much to bear?

For no eye has seen, no ear has heard all that I have planned for you.

Isaiah 64:4 For from of old no one has heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who earnestly waits for Him.

Yet I have revealed it to you.

Yet I have revealed it to you.

Yet I have revealed it to you.

Yet I have revealed it to you.

Overlaid, accessible at any time, any where, my sight, my insight, my foresight, my view, my foundation, my basis of thought.

For I have given you power to open eyes, to close eyes, to see what others cannot see.

See, just see, just have another look, look at it again, gaze upon it again, focus your attention upon it again.

You feel the pull of the natural, the pressure to apply the wisdom of man, the insight of man, to pick up the sword, to weld the hammer, but you need no weapon, for my power rests upon you.

You see yourself now, you see yourself now, you see yourself now, how do you see yourself now?

Lying upon the surface.

Resting upon the surface.

Floating upon the surface.

In the place of stillness.

Resting upon the still waters.

Yet how is it your breathe?

For you struggle to rest upon that which is not solid.

Upon that which is fluid you want to hold your breath, to brace yourself, ready to go under.

Yet in the natural, you found it a great mystery, a wonder, a shock, a revelation, that the taking of the breath, the relaxing of the body, caused you to float.

The bracing of yourself, caused you to go over. The tension between the logic and the revelation.

Upon which will you base your decision?

Logic or revelation?

Expectation of disaster or confident hope in the author and maker of life?

For it is not as it seems!

There is another option!

Resting upon the water, immersed in the water, surrounded by the water, by that which is fluid, overwhelmed by the lack of substance OR

Standing upon the water, walking upon that which has no substance – is this not what I have commanded? Is this not what I ordered?

You walk like one who is uncertain, not like one who is commanded.

You see it again now don’t you.

The movement of the one, elicits the movement of the many, for I am legion.

For I will cause them to move as you do, to follow your every move.

For my chosen has more power and authority than the king!

For you feel it now don’t you, you see it now don’t you?

The rising up, propelled upward from beneath, elevated above the surface with a great joy rising upon my face.

So you have a choice to make….

Walk upon the foundation of logic and reason or float upon the foundation of revelation, my revelation.

Just ask again for my revelation.

I see it now, I feel it now. Waling upon the streets of gold, tending to the trees bearing the unique fruit, without stress or tension, taking my time. Help me Lord to reveal yourself, to manifest your intent. For I have held myself back.

Let yourself go.

Seriously let yourself go.

Take your hands off yourself.

Stop holding back, for I will not permit you to be embarrassed, for I have banished that which holds you back.

I have instructed embarrassment to leave.

I have held back fear.

I have restrained that which strains against you.

Release yourself, set yourself free, free your mind.

If you don’t mind, free your mind.

Set your mind free.

It is time to remove the veil, time to unveil, time to reveal, time to unveil that which I wish to reveal, time to reveal that which I wish to unveil.

Permit me to make up your mind.

Allow me to make up your mind.

In a moment in an instant, it will be ready for you, ready made, ready for your presence, ready for you to rest upon.

2 Corinthians 5:5-7 Now He Who has fashioned us preparing and making us fit for this very thing is God, Who also has given us the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of the fulfillment of His promise. So then, we are always full of good and hopeful and confident courage; we know that while we are at home in the body, we are abroad from the home with the Lord that is promised us. For we walk by faith we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk not by sight or appearance.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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