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In awe and wonder.

And the train of her robe filled the temple.

And that which was material covered the ground before you.

For her feet were first to tread the path.

For her entrance covered your exit.

The beauty of her presence set the scene.

Informed the scene, constructed the scene, told the story of what would happen next.

For the crowd were in attendance awaiting her arrival.

And the one in authority told the crowd to all be upstanding for the arrival of the bride.

And her train filled the temple.

And all could see the path she had taken.

And yet all you could see was the glory, the manifest glory, the radiance of my glory shining upon her.

My light amplifying her light. A glorious wonder manifest before you.

For I came for you, for she came for you.

You can see the look of great delight in her eyes. A joyful innocence. A delicate strength. A strong grace. The manifestation of wonder and delight. Of a different kind, manifesting a different kind, another level of kindness. Not addressing the words of her enemy, just manifesting the joy and delight in the moment.

Every moment with her is a momentous moment for you.

And you can feel the touch of beauty, the embrace of beauty, the wonder of beauty.

For how does she make you feel?

Like being uplifted, taken to a higher place, elevated to glory, taken beyond all that is, to a place where nothing else matters. To a place that is beyond knowing. To be touch by delight, to experience the greatest delight.

Just look at the way she looks.

For her face is the manifestation of all my joy and delight. Her disposition deposes of all that is evil and sets the scene for all that is glorious.

For this is my gift to you.

An extravagant gift to you.

For so many what they wear serves to make them more beautiful. Yet for her, whatever she wears merely serves to reflect the glory I have placed within her.

For you know what it is like to experience the embrace of beauty.

For my beauty comes for you, pursues you, chases after you, runs to you, yearns to be close to you.

For radiance comes for you, shines upon you, makes way for you, contends for you, illuminates the path for you, shows you the way you shall go, walks with you step by step, holds your hand, couples itself to you, is wed to you, takes your name, becomes one with you.

For my love smiles with great affection at you. Yearns to be with you, has great desire for you. Longs to pour out all my affection towards you.

And what is the significance of the length of the train of her robe?

Look it up.

Isaiah 6:1
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.

Meaning of the symbolism of the Robe’s Train: In ancient times, the length of a king’s robe was often seen as a symbol of his honor and authority. A long train on a robe signified great status and honor. In this context, the train of God’s robe filling the temple symbolizes His supreme authority and majesty, surpassing that of earthly kings.

And what so many take for granted or are so tuned out they don’t notice, I have given you the gift to recognise and embrace beauty, to receive the gift of majesty of beauty.

My beauty draws you in. My beauty causes you to wonder. My beauty brings forth wonder, causes wonder to arrive. My beauty makes you weak at the knees. Yet the touch of beauty causes you to arise, to be elevated, strengthens your heart. My beauty holds you by the hand and will not let you go.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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