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Why the discount?

Why do you discount?

One minus another?

Taking one from another?

Subtracting yourself from the equation?

For you want to take yourself out.

Count yourself out.

You count yourself out.

At each count your find yourself with less.

Each step adding to the subtraction.

Piles upon piles.

Piles of left over.

Piles of what was left over.

How would you describe it?

Ruins, piles of ruins.

You have observed well.

Yet your perception is off.

Your focus is off.

For you see lack, I see wholeness.

For one goes with another.

One adds to another.

One leads to another.

One provides acceleration.

One provides a larger building block.

One piece adds to another.

One formation, forms with another.

The pile contains the pieces to rebuild.

The left overs, were left by me.

The off cuts, shall sprout forth.

The discards.

The dis regards.

The pushing aside.

The leaving aside.

The piece de resistance.

The piece of resistance.

The piece upon which I will resist.

The corner piece.

When back into a corner, you shall find peace, shall find the piece.

Piles upon piles.

Heaps upon heaps.

The rotting carcasses of your opposition.

The body resting upon another body.

The counting of the loss.

The stench wafts into your nostrils.

For that which came against you, now rots at your feet.

For nothing remains of that which came against you, only decay.

Yet that which remains of the ruins, is useful for building.

Contains my wholeness.

Contains my peace.

Contains my abundance.

For now is the time of the gathering.

Now is the time of rebuilding.

For it shall not be as you expect.

That which was discarded shall now be regarded.

The remnant shall be restored.

The off cut, shall no longer be cut off.

Plan for acceleration.

Plan for a fast build.

Plan for establishment.

Plan for hope.

Make room for hope.

Forecast is light rain, with ideal conditions for harvest.

For I consider nothing lost.

For I consider much to be gained.

Look out for gain.

Look out for one adding to another.

The many connecting with the many.

Connections made.

Fitting together by design.

Designed to fit together.

One connecting to another.

For when I take one away, it is only that it might be multiplied.

No subtraction only connection.

One bound to another.

One stronger when connected to another.

For I will show you how.

For I will show you a new position.

For it is all in the movement.

One moving into place with another.

One fitting together with another.

My handiwork in your hands.

For that which was taken away is of no consequence.

For the word I have for you is “taken a back”

No longer taken away, but all shall be taken a back by what I am about to do.

Awe and wonder.

Not awful but full of awe and wonder.

Nehemiah 4:8-15 And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem, to injure and cause confusion and failure in it. But because of them we made our prayer to our God and set a watch against them day and night. And [the leaders of] Judah said, The strength of the burden bearers is weakening, and there is much rubbish; we are not able to work on the wall. And our enemies said, They will not know or see till we come into their midst and kill them and stop the work. And when the Jews who lived near them came, they said to us ten times, You must return [to guard our little villages]; from all places where they dwell they will be upon us. So I set [armed men] behind the wall in places where it was least protected; I even thus used the people as families with their swords, spears, and bows. I looked [them over] and rose up and said to the nobles and officials and the other people, Do not be afraid of the enemy; [earnestly] remember the Lord and imprint Him [on your minds], great and terrible, and [take from Him courage to] fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes. And when our enemies heard that their plot was known to us and that God had frustrated their purpose, we all returned to the wall, everyone to his work. Nehemiah 6:15-16 So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us feared and fell far in their own esteem, for they saw that this work was done by our God.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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