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Look around what is it you see?

A hive of activity, people coming and going, one serving another. Sitting here in the midst of it being waited upon hand and foot.

For in this context, this is an ordinary experience for you.

In another context…

In the middle of the chaos,
when I can barely keep my head up.
The road ahead is looking so dark.
You light my way.
Just when I am losing all of my faith.
I'm at the end of all my strength.
And I'm just looking at the exit.
You lift my gaze..
You’re forever surrounding me

It’s time to come out of hiding.

It is time to stop playing “hide and seek”

For here you are found yourself.

For here you have found what it is you seek.

The birth of that which is magnificent.

The season of magnificence.

The proclamation of my favour.

The birth of that which is favourable.

For what you seek is not easily found by anyone else.

What others take for granted.

What others set aside.

What others consider of little value.

They speak over themselves and say “when the honeymoon is over”.

They declare an ordinary life, a bland experience, and then step into it.

Yet what I have given you is magnificent, beyond all imagination, beyond the natural, so far above and beyond all that can be imagined.

“How can it be that I have been given this gift?” you question yourself.

Yet you love to unwrap it over and over again.

My love smiles at you, with all my delight, and everything else fades into insignificance.

You celebrate her every breath.

For upon her I have poured out all my love and affection.

She is the full expression of all my desire.

An expression of my favour.

An expression of my love manifest.

Yet beyond all comprehension.

For to touch her, is to touch that which is extraordinary.

Every time is such a different time.

Every time is a good time.

Every time there is something different to be experienced.

Never the same, always so different.

Time after time.

Time in pursuit of time.

The time of the times.

For my intent is for you to multiply.

To multiply my love.

To express my love, to describe my love, to sprinkle my love all around, to make my love manifest.

It is time to come out of hiding.

It is time to put my love on display.

For I know what you want to say…

It makes me laugh so much!

I am lost for words.

So representative of who I have made you to be.

For you place your hand upon your beloved and struggle to form the words.

Yet I love what you had to say…

My goodness

You sit there and ponder what to do next, yet in her presence, my love compels you to act.

For my love compels you, my love propels you, my love fuels you, my love manifests itself through you.

You want to set it aside.

You want to keep it to yourself.

Yet when you see the dullness, my passion rises within you.

When you see my love broken and lying in pieces on the floor, it breaks your heart.

You sit there and wonder how you will deal with rejection, yet how do you feel when my love embraces you, and cares for you, and lives with you, and desires to be with you?

Overwhelmed by your goodness, and lost for words?

Yet have I not given you the words to say?

Why so shy about it?

How do I talk about that which is so private, so personal?

This embarrassment you feel, is the work of the devil!

For you love to kiss the one you love in public, and you have my permission to do so as often as you please.

You have my permission to pour out all my love and affection.

I know you are so tired of all the small talk.

So tired of going through the motions.

So emotional about all the motions.

For my passion rises within you, and cannot be inhibited, but must be exhibited.

Put on an exhibition of love.

Show them what love looks like.

For it is time to put my love on display.

It is so emotional for you, yet I love how you feel about me!

Here is my heart, come and wound me with longing.
Let refiners fire come and have its way fully,
til righteousness falls,
like a flood from within me.
Til the zeal of the Lord completely consumes. I’m in ernest...
You’re my first love…

For you know what it is like to be truly loved, beyond all measure, beyond all sense of lack.

I want you to represent me.

I have chosen you for such a time as this.

Don’t hold back, for you won’t be embarrassed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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