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Lost for Words

A new outfit.

A new mantle.

A new coat.

A fresh coat.

A coat of freshness.

A unique coat.

A special outfit for a special occasion.

A gold tie event.

An event unlike any other.

For I have adorned the way.

I have opened the door.

I have prepared the way.

Each guidepost decorated by me.

Each post touched by my hand.

Each post reflecting my love.

In through the door.

Ushered in through the door.

Just follow the sound of my voice.

Just bathe in the atmosphere of my love.

For my love comes for you.

My love comes to you.

My love appears at your door.

My love walks the path I have paved for you.

My love delights in you.

And you wonder how you can speak.

And you are lost for words.

You can’t even form a response. All you can do is open your mouth.

A jaw dropping moment. A life defining moment. A marvellous moment.

For my love pursues you. My love asks for your number with such creativeness, with such delight, with such power.

A majestic moment.

An introduction to majesty.

So awestruck by my love’s approach.

Try as you might, try with all your might, all you could do was smile with such fascination and delight.

All you could do is receive the gift that I was unwrapping for you.

How does the one who loves intimacy express himself?

How do you put such magnificence into words?

Surely it can only be embraced?

Surely I must be felt.

For my love comes to you and longs for your embrace.

For what can be said when your lips are upon the lips of the one you love?

For some things can only be expressed by action.

First the encounter.

Then the door opens for you.

Then the walking of the adorned path.

Then to the place where the two become one.

A proclamation of togetherness.

For you go in wearing that which is wonderful in order to behold my wonder, in order to receive that which is a gift of wonder, in order to receive my fullness.

Yet you come out carrying something special.

A small thing but not insignificant.

A light thing, but it carries such weight.

An insignificant thing that bears much significance.

A ring of my love, an adornment indicative of the path that I have adorned.

A symbol of what I have brought together.

For you come from two separate paths into a new path of togetherness.

For the whole gathering is all about togetherness.

For to gather is to bring together.

Yet I am doing a new thing even now.

For what is it you see?

A role reversal. I see myself walking down the aisle to the sound of beautiful music. And I see my bride beaming so gloriously with such joy and delight, with such a look of longing in her eyes.

For my love approaches you, longs for you, waits for you, longs for your coming.

For my love stands and waits for you.

Come and walk the path I have prepared for you. Come and embrace my love afresh.

Come and take hold of the gift I have given you.

Come and passionately embrace my goodness, my delight, my glory, my majesty.

For it shall be a life changing moment.

And then the reception.

And the welcoming of that which is new.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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