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Lessons in Wonder

Wade in…..

Step in…

Get your feet wet.

Feel the refreshing flow upon you.

Say ahhhh!

For the latter days shall far exceed the joy of the former days.

For the former shall touch the latter.

The latter shall touch the former.

The former self, touching the latter self.

You feel it so strongly now.

The intensity rises, senses heightened, passions inflamed.

In a moment, in an instant reflecting upon yourself.

Taken back.

Taken aback.

Once more from the start.

Twice more from the start.

MORE from the start.

So much MORE from the start.

For I have deposited so much.

For I have deposited so much MORE.

MORE than you can handle.

So much MORE than you can handle.

Yet you shall embrace, you must embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For you had to have her.

You could not hold yourself back.

There was no way to hold yourself back.

For I have drawn you to her.

For I drew her for you. I shaped her inside and outside in all her radiant beauty.

I brought her forward.

For when I brought her forward, your mind was blown.

It was beyond your capacity to grasp the depth, the breadth, the height, the magnitude of the magnificence that was before your very eyes.

No one knows this wonder.

Truly she is a wonder to behold.

For she just has to “be” and you want to “hold” her.

To touch her is beyond the realm of your understanding. Seriously is it not magical?

You fail to understand it, is it not beyond your comprehension.

How can you explain it?

What words can you utter that give meaning to it?

No one knows such wonder.

Yet the brightness of her beauty shines so brightly!

You see it now, like the dawn rising, it permeates across the land.

Is she not such a symbol and a source of such blessing?

Abundance poured out, love poured out, beauty personified.

To love beyond your dreams, to love beyond your imagination, to be loved and to love by your beloved is beyond comparison.

For you care not for what she does, you give no regard for her performance, yet you have to pause in wonder.

Just to be near her, just to lay your eyes upon her is a lesson in wonder.

Is this not my design?

Is this not evidence of my fingerprints?

Is this not my gift of love?

A gift beyond compare, a gift beyond reason, a gift beyond…

For what I have for you is beyond your comprehension, beyond your understanding.

It is the mystery of love, the love of mystery.

What is it you touch?

What is it you feel?

What is it you feel when you touch?

What is is you see?

What is it you see when you touch?

What is is you touch when you see?

Is it not the flow?

The latter touching the former.

The former you touching the latter you.

Rest your fingers upon the edge, upon the ridge, upon the point, upon the pinnacle.

“It is unthinkable, only heaven knows…”

Is it not so majestic to rest in her arms?

Is it not wonderful? So full of wonder?

“It is extravagant it doesn’t make sense, we will never comprehend how much you love us”

“Here is all my love, it is yours no conditions, when you pull me close, no I won’t resist it”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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