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Leave Behind

And he left.

And he left behind.

And he left behind all that he knew.

And he abandoned all that was familiar.

And he left.

And he moved on.

And he departed from.

And he stepped away from.

And he removed himself from.

With no destination in mind.

And he took off into the unknown.

And he packed his bags for destinations unknown.

And how did he know in which direction to go?

He just walked with you Lord.

And how did he feel?

I would think he felt lost, but I sense that is the wrong answer.

And what was his mindset?

And what what his mind set on?

Your word says he obeyed and went out not knowing where he was going, but he was heading to a land that would become his inheritance.

And he left behind all that was unknown, in the knowledge of the one who was known, on the promise of an inheritance.

And he left behind all that was material, to embrace all that was immaterial.

For despite his knowledge of his wife, he was unable to conceive. For he knew her, but lacked knowledge.

For the knowledge of the one who knows, leads to the creation of that which is unknown, the manifestation of that which was conceived, but now is birthed.

For he left behind that which was material, but brought with him that which was relational.

He became a foreigner in a strange land.

And yet you blessed him Lord!

And I have blessed you too my son.

And I know what you are thinking.

And where is the promised abundance?

And you know what I am thinking.

Your container is too small.

You shrink back from that which is to come.

I can see you putting your hand over your cup.

I can see that you have left behind much, and yet you carry much loss.

You need to cut off your loss, you need to leave behind that which was left, you need to leave behind the loss.

For I see it in your eyes.

I saw it just a few minutes ago as you drove that which was new, in the land that was new, in the unfamiliar place.

Was not the scenery beautiful?

Was not the view amazing?

And I saw the look on your face when you touched the accelerator and took off into a new dimension.

Was that not a smile on your face?

Did I not catch you in a moment of joy?

But when you consider.

But when you ponder.

But when you look upon the new.

How do you you see it?

It is tainted, for when I experience the new, I am reminded of the old.

But how was it when you left behind all that was familiar and embraced your new wife and all that was unfamiliar.

I was overwhelmed with great joy and delight, I was excited at the prospect, I was looking forward to the great adventure that lay ahead.

Yet you had no better idea of what was to come than what you know now, and now you have more than you had then.

Yet my life lay ahead of me, and was untainted by loss.

I can see you smiling at me right now. For you know it was different from what I said.

For you actually cried more before then, than ever since.

You lost so much of yourself that you wonder how you would ever recover, and then the gift of your beloved was revealed, and great joy overwhelmed much grief.

My question to you is "have you left yourself behind?"

You always have the best questions Lord, but so many I don't want to answer!

Are you excited about the future, are your joyful about what is to come, do you trust me to deliver what I have promised, can you get excited about what I have given you?

So take yourself by the hand, and step forward into the new, for what is to come is so much brighter than anything that was before.

Leave behind the ruins, leave behind the trauma, take joy with you, take my delight with you.

For my joy smiles upon your future.

My love looks you in the eyes and says "I do"



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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