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What is it you feel?

What is it you sense?

How would you describe it? Let me help you with that.

Sitting on the line. Resting on the line. In the place of anticipation.

At the starting line.

Waiting for the signal to go.

Waiting for the lights to change.

Waiting for the gun to fire.

Resting on the blocks.

Straddled upon the blocks.

Straining at the gate.

Restless in anticipation.

At rest in anticipation.

Yet feeling the great power within.

Resting at the lights.

Revving at the lights.

The sound exploding all around.

First the sound of power, then the demonstration of it.

You can feel the vehicle shake and tremble as it expresses itself.

You can feel the vibration the resonance within and without.

For when the gun is fired, when the light changes, when the signal appears.

It is time to go.

It is time to release all that I have given you.

It is time for a demonstration of my power.

For this is not about the smoke and the mirrors.

This is a demonstration, this is a reflection of me, an explosion of great power.

Can you not feel it from the depths of your soul?

Yes Lord!

It is time to select the gear.

It is time to take up the clutch.

It is time to smash the accelerator.

It is time to enter a new dimension.

It is time to leave behind all that was, and experience all that is to come.

For you advance from what was, and shall accelerate in to all that is to come.

A perpetual state of arrival.

For the moment you leave, is the moment you arrive.

For as you arrive, you shall move past that which was passed.

Is this not the time to overtake?

Yes the best time to overtake is when the car in front is just starting to accelerate, for their power is so easily overcome by mine.

You think the new is all about sound and fury, yet signifies nothing.

For you the old had presence, people saw it coming and moved out of the way.

Yet the new appears to blend in, to be just like the rest, but those who recognise it, admire it for all that it represents.

You discount it, for you it is too normal, and yet when my power shines upon it, it transforms into something else.

When you press the red button, it is like a one way ticket to jail.

It feels like the naughty button, but is really my joy button, my delight button, the button of transformation.

For I have given you the subtle edge, the one that blends into the crowd, yet stands out from the crowd in ways that confound and astonish.

For they will say of it, they will say of you “That was unexpected”, “I wasn’t expecting that”.

For when that which was covered is now exposed, they shall all be in a state of shock and amazement.

It is like you have been playing the role of the janitor when you once owned the building.

They mistook you for a peasant, but now see the revelation of a king.

For who defines a king?

Is not the king the one who defines?

Is not the king defined by boldness?

Is not the king the one who proclaims my truth?

Is not the king the one who refuses to back down?

Is not the king the one who commands the advance in the face of terror?

You have said that this is a defining moment without definition, yet that is not how I define it.

This is a prophetic moment.

This is a declaration of peace in the place of the storm and chaos.

This is a declaration of promise in the place of hopelessness.

This will be a time of turmoil like no other.

They sit around chatting with each other like everything has returned to “normal”, and yet they cannot see the Tsunami wave coming towards them on the horizon.

They just want to return to normal.

But I have taken away that which is normal.

I have removed comfort from them.

I have taken away their security.

Doom is coming for them.

You have heard the words too often, “this is the way it is, who can change it”

You have been tempted to accept the status quo, but can see a huge wave of change coming.

Don’t be shy about it!

Seriously don’t be shy about it!

Ramp it up.

For what is to come is no ordinary thing.

They all sit around thinking this will be an incremental thing, yet what is coming shall have an exponential, radical, explosive impact.

You had to laugh, because I was laughing so much when these complete strangers all around you declare my words, speak so familiar words to you.

You wonder why it feels like you have known them for so long, it is these familiar words coming from their mouth, my words coming from their mouth.

And there you were trying not to break out in raucous, uncontrollable laughter.

The young one, the princess who possesses such great power, the Esther of her generation, the bold one, the fiery one, the one who refuses to be held back.

From the first word you could barely hold on to yourself.

Habakkuk 2:1-3
[OH, I know, I have been rash to talk out plainly this way to God!] I will [in my thinking] stand upon my post of observation and station myself on the tower or fortress, and will watch to see what He will say within me and what answer I will make [as His mouthpiece] to the perplexities of my complaint against Him.
And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.

Yet now when it appears before you, what is your hesitation?

I feel like Peter boldly going where no man has gone before, and after taking a few bold steps wondering how he found himself walking in the storm of chaos?

He responded to my call, as you have responded to my call.

How would you write this vision now you know what happens?

Its time to step into the breach, it is time to stand up and be counted, it is time to abandon the comfort of the known, it is time to walk with me upon that which is uncertain and fluid, it is time to step upon that which pulls you under, to rise above it, to step forward into the deep, to make progress where there was none. To step on the secure path, the path of the promise, the path that takes you to a place of safety and security, to a destination of transformation, of wholeness, of stability, of certainty, of acceleration. It is time to ride this wave of change, to get ahead of the curve, to accelerate your path towards your destiny.

How does that sit with you?

So much more that the neutral, its no big deal, its just another incremental shift that we should embrace.

Don’t be defined by the trauma of the past.

You see yourself as the one who was great once upon a time, the one who overcame so much, only to be overcome by himself, the one who sees the cocoon of confinement as a tomb never to rise from.

But this is not whom I have called.

LAZARUS come out, come forth, rise again, be great again, overcome again, against all odds, be the odd one out, stand out in a crowd, step out of the boat, refuse to give yourself over to the trauma, be the light, rise again, shine for my glory is revealed upon you.

Speak all I have commanded you to say, and do not be dismayed at the sight of their faces lest I permit you to be overcome.

Stand your ground.

Stand upon the ground of my word, proclaim, be inspiring, be illuminating, challenge their thinking, for I will cause them to arise and follow you.

For you will break the chains of confinement, you will break the yoke of your captivity and proclaim freedom in this land.

Be strong and courageous and possess the land.

Don’t hold back, for you won’t be embarrassed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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