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Haha made you laugh!

Who me?

I saw you laughing.

For you it was so laughable, so ridiculous, so outrageous you just had to act like it was a joke.

Then over and over, more and more, over and over, more and more, it became a recurring theme!

You will have the body of a young person! What a laugh!

But then you look upon my face and what is it you see?

At first a serious expression, like you are really serious about this. Then you look like you are cracking up. Like a cheeky child about to get up to mischief!

For the habitation of your habits leads to inhabitation.

For that which you have been wrestling with, you will soon wrestle with no more.

On the other side.

On the other side.

It’s on the other side.

A name change.

A fresh catch of fish.

Flying not crawling.

For where you are weak I am strong.

For where you are weak I am restoring your strength.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet there is more.

For that which I have for you is a new thing, a special thing, a special power, a special gift, an awe full power.

Strength of a thousand.

The one who breaks the chains.

The one who has no limit, possesses no limit, is unlimited.

I know I am out of order, I am beyond the natural order, after all it was I who orchestrated what you consider to be natural.

For the natural man, there are natural limits.

For the supernatural man, there are no limits.

For the natural cycle is conception, birth, growth, maintenance, decay, death.

For the supernatural process is to receive what I have conceived, to proclaim what I have promised, to walk in anticipation and expectation of revelation.

In the natural one thing fits with another, the two become one flesh.

In the supernatural one rests upon another until the work of transformation is complete.

Look again what is it you see?

The bright blue sponge resting upon the desert sand.

Look again what is it you see?

Streams of blue water flowing from the sponge, making the desert ground a vibrant blue.

For in the natural the environment matters, in the supernatural the word shifts the circumstance, changes the environment, transforms the place upon which it rests.

For in the natural one is conformed to the circumstance, limited by circumstance.

Yet the one who possesses my spirit, brings something that has no limit to the place of limitation.

Look again what is it you see?

A can of juice, the flow restricted by its container.

Look again what is it you see?

A fountain of juice splashing over the edge of the table, without restriction.

So the question is what are you going to align yourself with?

The word, my promise, my perspective, my power, my authority, my sovereignty, my dominion?

For I command a blessing, you need to agree with it and walk in it!

For it shall not be as was before?

This is not going back to Egypt, this is building a kingdom like no other in the place of limitation, desolation, isolation, ruin, brokenness, dejection, rejection, weakness, apathy, pain, hopelessness, disconnection.

For the poisoned seed shall become the fountain of life. The corrupted seed birthing multiples.

For it is not as it seems.

For soon you will be bursting at the seams.

Align your habits with mine, walk with me step by step, for from your habitation, shall come your inhabitation.

For the old man Abraham looked at his flesh and laughed at the thought that he would be a father to many nations.

Sarah laughed at the concept of conception, of resting her weary body upon the one she loved.

For it is in the place of laughter that something so wonderful is birthed.

So laugh in wonder, walk in wonder, for it shall be wonderful.

You know I am messing with you, for this word pierces the heart of the one I love.

I compel you to look again, choose again, be intimate again, conceive again, hope again, believe again, laugh again, rise again, overcome again.

For you shall have dominion, you shall possess all that I have given you.

Have another thought, repent again, hope again, express yourself again, smile again, be joyful again, love again, drive again, get excited again, be aroused, let the flame of your passion explode. For there shall be fireworks.

Look again, what is it you see?

Fireworks embedded in the ground, plants of fire, many diverse colours, a new vibrancy, a buzz in the air, a whole new life.

I am cracking up at what is going to happen next!

For it will be spectacular, way beyond your expectation.

Won’t you just sit and have a laugh with me!

For it shall be glorious, so far and above all you have dreamed of, so ridiculous!

So unexplainable.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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