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Taken out.


In the place of the setting.

In the place of the settling.

In the place of the settlement.

In the place where the dust settles.

In the time of the settlement.

In the season where I am setting things right.

In the place of the settlement.

In the place of the sediment.

In the place of the sentiment.

In the depths of this moment.

In the depths of the storm.

In the depths, there is a settling.

In the depth, there is a sediment.

Something that cannot be washed away.

Something that remains.

Something that must settle.

Something that must be settled.

A place of the settlement.

I place where I will settle you, establish you, make you whole.

A place of ownership.

An expanded territory.

A new dominion.

A place of dominance.

A settlement governed by you.

What is it you see now?

The establishment of a new community, paths of light forming in the place of darkness. Moving traffic from one part to another. A vibrancy, a movement, without congestion, a place of great movement. The full expression of your desire. Rivers of light flowing down from the top of the mountain to the valleys below. A place of great fullness. A place of full expression. A place of the knowing.

For you have described it so well.

The place of the knowing.

From the unknown, to the unknowing, to the absence of knowing, to the place of the knowing, to the revelation of that which is known, to the expression of that which is known.

From the community that was known.

To the wide open space.

To the unfamiliar place.

To the unknown place.

To the place of the knowing.

To the relationship with the one who knows.

To walking into the place of the unknown, holding the hand of the one who knows.

Into the desolate place.

Into the barren place.

Into the untold place.

Into the place of the unknown.

Into the place without knowing.

Into the place without knowledge.

Into the place of decline.

Into the place without knowing.

Into the place that does not know.

And Adam KNEW Eve.

And Adam was intimate with Eve.

And Adam knew Eve in ways that had to be experienced.

There is no text book for this.

There is no manual for this.

There is no script to follow in this performance.

Every time there is a new discovery.

Every time there is an expansion of knowledge.

Yet you would think that the more experience you have the more expert you would become.

Yet in the discovery, the realisation dawns on you, how little you know. You discover that which is unknown, in the place of the knowing.

The best times are the times of unity, the expression of desire, the heat of passion rising, the reckless abandonment to the moment, the full expression of desire in the least calculated way.

For in the knowing you discover that which is unknown.

The great mystery of love, the unity of wholeness, in the place of disconnection.

For one part was separated from another, in order for desire to be fully expressed.

For there is knowledge and then there is knowing, the act of knowing, the discovery in the uncovering, the recovery in the uncovering, the obtaining of fullness in the releasing of your emptiness.

I am compelled by love, I am propelled by love, for it is love that compels me to know, and to know you more.

For I have drawn you into a deeper place of knowing.

Yes Lord I see what you are doing, thrust into the wide open space, from the depths of the strongest dungeon. The echoes of war ringing in my ears, the scars of battle ever before my eyes. And yet I find myself in the open space, without an enemy in sight. All I see is the beauty and the wide open space stretching out before me. If I lookup, all I see is your beauty, surrounded by your beauty, overwhelmed by your beauty. If I look down, all I feel is the weight of the trauma, the loss of what was known.

Is it not beauty that draws you out?

It is not beauty that compels you to move?

It is not beauty that causes you to look up?

Is it not beauty that smiles upon you?

It it my beauty that attracts you?

Is it not my beauty that holds your hand and invites you to uncover, to discover, to recover, to express the passion of your desire?

Yes Lord, you even put a label on it, such a glorious moment, such a life changing moment, such a gift of your glory - “Personal Use”. It was such a personal moment, beyond expression, beyond knowing, beyond understanding. I still feel it like it was yesterday. A whole new level of relationship. As I said “You know there is no going back from here!” And she just smiled at me with such love, my eyes still water in remembrance of it.

So my beauty compels you, propels you, moves you, motivates you, draws you in, draws you out, can you not feel my spirit rising up within you!

For I am awakening your passion again.

I am causing you to rise again.

I am causing a disturbance in your being.

Can you not feel it in your hands!

Yes Lord, holding on to that which could only be held by me, holding on to that which was for my personal use, holding on to that which was so mysterious, so monumental, so tangible yet so so mysterious, so fluid, yet so so solid. So wonderful, so filled with wonder, such an expression of wonder.

From the unknown to the unknown, to the knowing, to the full expression of knowledge.

To the birthing, to the manifestation of knowledge, to the evidence of the knowing, to the multiplication of knowledge, to the full expression of my fullness.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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