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A life without.

Walking without….

Without words

Without fear.

Without restraint.

Without compromise.

Without pain.

Without suffering.

Without sorrow.

Without constraint.

Without limitation.

With freedom.

With patience.

With joy.

With delight.

With peace.

With options.

With blessing.

With love.

With much love.

With peace.

With comfort.

With my embrace.

With hugs.

With peace.

With silence.

With calm.

With friends.

With family.

With love.

With freedom.

With presence.

Fear not for I am with you.

Repeat after me “I am with you”.

For behold I am making ALL things new.

New blessings.

New joy.

Brand new.

Never seen before.

Never felt before.

The restoration of ALL that was lost.

Without loss.

For you shall be as one who has never experienced loss.

You shall obtain all gain.

For everything shall be a gain for you.

Again shall be your experience.

A gain shall be your experience.

Count it ALL joy.

Count all the joys.

Lose count of all the joys.

One after another.

Repeat after me “there is another joy!”

Surrounded by joy.

Joy upon the left and upon the right.

Joy behind and joy before.

Like nothing you have experienced before.

You lips will be so sore from all the smiling.

ALL smiles.

You won’t be able to stop smiling.

For I have closed the door on your past.

There is no turning back.

You cannot go back.

For this is the place of no returns.

You cannot give anything back.

This is the season to receive.

Close your eyes and put your arms out.



Close your eyes and put your hands out.

For my hand is extended towards you.

Your hands shall be so full of my fullness.

You wonder how you will grasp all of this.

But this is my decision and there will be no turning.

More and more, multiplied more, on and on, go on and on, line by line, precept upon precept.

For I am laying upon you ALL.

ALL fullness.

ALL abundance.

ALL joy.

Joy multiplied.

Joy times joy.

Times of great joy.

Joy to the point you will lose count.

You will get the point.

You will get my point.

For you will experience life beyond all you can imagine.

This is my choice for you.

No need to take account.

No need to measure out.

No need to measure up.

For this is my joy and delight.

You are my joy and delight.

I don’t want you to ponder it, I want you to receive it.

Beyond your expectation.

Beyond ALL you expect.

A new life.

So far and above and beyond all you can imagine.

Surprise packets.

No need to worry.

No need to be overwhelmed.

For it is your turn.

Beyond blessed.

So much more.

More times more.

For this is the time of more!

Beyond all that you can contain.

Beyond all that you can measure.

Spare not.

Build an extension.

For I am extending myself towards you.

A life beyond all you can imagine.

Stay in the place of the dream.

For this will not be a nightmare.

Be without the baggage.

Be free of the baggage.

Picture this, so wealthy as to need no baggage.

No need to plan your trip. Just announce where you would like to go, and I’ll do the rest.

Leave the rest to me.

Lay down all your fears.

Lay down all your baggage.

Pick up your crown.

For I am so excited about all that is to come.

Be full of wonder, for IT SHALL BE WONDERFUL!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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