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It’s Time

It’s Time

On time.

At the time.

It’s time.

At the appointed time.

At the time of your appointment.

The time of the coming.

The time of the going.

The time of the coming and the going.

The time of movement.

The time to move.

The shift.

The time of the shift.

Moving into place.

The time of the moving into place.

The time of the clearing.

The time of the clearing.

The time of the clearing.

The moving out.

The going.

The time of the going.

The time of the movement.

For you shall walk.

For you shall walk upon.

For you shall walk upon the sling stones.

For I have paved this path for you.

This is the work of my hands.

For what is the point of the path, if it is not to establish movement?

For this shall be the first step taken upon the well worn path.

For I have established your coming and your going.

For this shall be the place of movement.

Designed to be walked upon.

Designed for walking.

A place for walking.

A place for the coming and the going.

The establishment of the coming and the going.

Let’s go for a walk together.

Up the garden path.

For you shall know where to go.

For I have cleared this path.

Removed the blockages.

Framed by by goodness.

Bordered by that which grows.

For this is the growth path.

The path of established growth.

The new path never walked before, yet established by me.

For I have prepared this way.

I have paved this way.

This is the way that I have prepared.

Step by step, line by line, precept upon precept.

Paved from that which missed its mark.

Designed to take you out, yet missing its mark, now falling into the place I have set for it.

For the clock is ticking.

The hands of time move at my command.

Time established by the work of my hands.

For the lost shall be found.

For it shall not be as it was.

For it shall not be as before.

For the after shall not be as before.

For that which was after shall now be as before.

For I have placed that which was after before you.

For you shall overtake and recover all.

It shall not be as before.

It shall be the return of glory.

For I shall cause glory to fall upon you.

Exposed by glory.

Exposed for my glory.

It is the time of exposure.

It is the time without precedent.

The time of a new precedent.

Not what you expected.

Unlike anything seen before.

Without precedent.

The great unveiling.

Such a momentous moment.

I am cracking up at the look upon your face.

Here let me help you describe it…

The great unveiling of mystery, the invitation going out to so many, come and see the great unveiling. For this is the time of the unveiling. Draped under cover. Hidden from the sight of those present. A great present for those present. A surprise to all. For they shall stagger before you. Yet I am cracking up at the look on your face! For I know what you are thinking. “How will I describe that which I have never seen before!” You seem to be lost for words….

Taken aback.

For I have taken you back.

Let’s go back to the last time you had this look upon your face.

You heard the rush of the wind, the splash of the water. And there in a moment, in an instant there she was….. For my glory stood before you and smiled at you. Lost for words. Standing in awe and wonder. From that moment everything changed.

Even now you cannot find the words to describe by gift.

Yet have I not given you my words?

First the coming and then the going.

The coming and the going.

Then the coming together.

Then the going together.

For one comes, the other goes.

Then the established meeting, the appointed time, the time I have appointed.

For you both went out, left your homes and were gone.

Then you came to the place I had established.

First the going, then the coming together.

For my unveiled love stands before you.

Without barrier, without covering, exposed before you, unveiled before, presented before you, gifted to you.

Bursting forth with joy and delight. Delighted to be with you, to embrace you, to hold you, to walk with you, to go with you, to come with you.

For I know your thoughts, even now you struggle to find the words to say in her presence, yet it is I that give you the words to speak.

Fear not.

Be excited, join with my excitement, embrace my joy, for my love embraces you, my glory walks with you.

Come up higher, fear not for I am with you.

This time will be the best time.

The time of the presentation.

The time of the unveiling.

The time of unprecedented joy and delight.

My glory on display.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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