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It’s a Trap

The enemy lures you in…

It’s a trap!

They bind your hands, and lead you in to the council.

They take you captive and present you before their leader.

Yet it is not as it seems.

It is not as it seems.

For they do not know who they have captured.

For you are bound to be free!

They bind you, they place their hands upon you, they take hold of you.

They declare, “we have him now, he is now bound, he is now confined to our boundaries. We have limited him, we have confined him, we have imprisoned him. He will now do as we ask.”

“We have placed him under our authority.”

“We have brought him before our authority.”

We crafted the plan, we observed his posture, we looked for the patterns, we took advantage of him at his weakest.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For the enemy does not know what it is doing.

For they position you exactly where I want you.

Here you find yourself.

Here you find yourself.

Here you find yourself.

Here you have found yourself.

How is it that you found yourself here?

For this was unexpected, this is not what you expected, this is beyond your expectation.

You hoped for a great victory, a land flowing with milk and honey, the place of the promise.

Yet here you find yourself… trapped, confined, restrained, wounded, broken, in pain, weak, bound….

Yes that is the word, “bound”.

A defining word, a moment of definition, a word with such power!

For you know what it is to be bound to the boundary line.

You define the boundary and the enemy comes for you, comes against you, that is what you think.

Yet it is not what it seems.

For I am beyond the boundary, I am beyond it, say it with me “I am beyond it”

It was not expected, for your experience dictates, your experience spoke to you and said “this is how it shall be, for it has always been this way, how will this be any different?”, for who has ever heard of a man being held captive, who then overthrew his captors?

It struck you, I struck you, when you least expected it. It was a shock to the system.

In a moment, in an instant, I revealed myself…..

Yes I revealed myself.

In the middle of the scene, your hand shook violently…

In an instant I got your attention, and the thing that had been such a great mystery to you, was revealed.

For I have “shown my hand”, yes I have shown my hand, for my hand is upon your hand.

In a moment it all became so clear.

Your favourite scenes all came to you in a flash…

Neo with his hand up as the bullets were fired.

Captain America saying to his captors, “does anyone want to get out before we get started?”

Samson saying “Swear to me that you will not fall upon me yourselves”

They said to him “Have you not known that the Philistines are rulers over us?”

They said to him “We have come down to bind you”

They said to him “we will bind you fast and give you into their hand”

But the outcome was in my hand.

For I know the plans I have for you.

For in the place of bondage, there shall be freedom.

In the place of restraint, there shall be unbridled power.

For they no not whom they have captured.

They underestimate my power.

For the assume that you are unassuming, they are confined by the boundaries of their own thinking.

For I have come to break the containers, remove the limits.

An explosion of freedom in the place of confinement.

For I have placed freedom in your hands.

It is time for you to find yourself.

For what is your posture?

For Neo it was “I’ll handle them”…

For Captain America “Does anyone want to get out?”

For Samson, supreme confidence, for he knew what was going to happen, he did not want his people to be hurt.

They all had a confident expectation that they could not be overcome.

It was pre-determined that victory would come in the place of great captivity.

For you are bound to be free, bound to bring freedom, for freedom will triumph in the place of captivity.

Did you not see, have you not observed? The breaking of the chains, the explosion of broken chains.

For that which binds you is of no consequence.

The enemy declares, “we have trapped him…”

Yet I declare it is a trap, run for your lives, for I know what is to come.

Be without restraint, you shall be without restraints.

For where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Where I have placed you, is for maximum effect, the most casualties, for I intend to have explosive impact.

For the word has gone out, the proclamation made, the intended outcome clear.

For I have given you into their hand…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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